Sweater Weather (Narry) (!)

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Harry curses loudly as his car stopped in the middle of nowhere he looked at the gas meter. Another curse word flying out of his mouth as he punched the steering wheel. He looked out the window to see a beach which made him roll his eyes because he hates the beach. Then he thought that maybe someone might be on it and maybe they can help him. Harry got out the car and closed the door making sure he had his wallet and phone on him. He walked onto the sand with his hands in the pockets of his sweater. He looked around to the beach seeing the waves crashing down harshly. There were a few clouds in the night sky as a breeze blew pass.

Harry took out his phone and unlocked it seeing that it was about to die. He groaned and turned off his phone wanting to save the little bit of juice he had in it. He put his phone away and looked around again seeing no one which made him kick the sand. He looked up at the sky when he heard thunder which made him regret getting out of the car. Harry's eyes grew wide when he was a beach house not to far away from him. A smile grew on his face and he started to run to it as it suddenly started to rain lightly. It was like mother nature was messing with him because the closer he got the harder it rained.

Harry ran onto the porch and knocked on the door hard as he shivered a bit. The door opened to a pale and fake blonde boy who wasn't wearing any pants. Harry didn't even have to ask as the boy moved out the way and nodded for Harry to come in. Harry gave him a grateful smile before coming inside the warm house instantly making Harry stop shivering. Harry heard the door close and he looked back over at the blonde boy to see him scratching the back of his head. He guided Harry to the living room and nodding his head to the couch. Harry smiled at him before sitting down glad that his jeans really wasn't soaked.

"I'm so sorry to intrude but my car ran out of gas and I really need a place to stay just for the night." Harry said moving his hands around as he talked.

"Its fine, I'm just glad to have someone cute to talk to." The blonde said making Harry blush and look down at his lap."I'm Niall by the way."

"Thanks and you have a lovely beach house and I'm Harry by the way." Harry said playing with his fingers.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful boy." Niall said poking Harry's nose before pointing behind him."Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"Yeah, that would be nice." Harry said and Niall nodded before he left for the kitchen to prepare whatever he thinks Harry might like.

Harry looked around the living room seeing a picture frames of Niall and who he's assuming is his family. Harry really did like the place it looked more like a home then a beach house. He drummed his fingers on his knees hearing Niall humming a random tune. Minutes later Niall came back out with a burrito which made Harry's mouth water at the smell and sight. He took the plate from Niall giving him a warm smile as a thank you. Niall sat down on the couch next to Harry watching him eat with a twinkle in his eye. Harry was in his third bite when he noticed Niall looking at him.

"Do I have something on my face?" Harry asked reaching a hand up to his face but Niall grabbed his wrist.

"Let me get it for you." Niall said reaching his finger up and wiping a bit of melted cheese off the corner of Harry's mouth he took his time as he did so.

Harry didn't know why he did it maybe because the cheese looked good on Niall's finger. All he knew is that he found his lips wrapped around Niall's finger sucking the cheese off. Every thing happened so fast the half eaten burrito was on the coffee table and Niall was on top of Harry kissing his neck. Niall's fingers trailed over Harry's sides then started to pull Harry's sweater up. Harry has been waiting a while for a good shag and he's glad that he's finally able to get one. He lifted his arms up letting Niall take off his sweater completely and throwing it to the floor.

Harry took off Niall's shirt before pulling him back down for a kiss his free hand playing with the hair at the back of Niall's hair. He felt hot all over feeling his body burn with lust he really needed this. He could feel his cock start to hurt from being pressed against his tight jeans. He didn't have to say anything as Niall unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down with his boxers. Harry lifted his hips up giving Niall better access of taking his clothes off. Harry hooked his fingers in Niall's boxers and took them off licking his lips at the size of Niall's cock. He looked up into Niall's eyes seeing that he was already looking at him with a spark in his eyes. Harry couldn't tell if it was lust or something else but he didn't care at the moment.

"There's a condom in my jeans." Harry said and Niall nodded before getting off of Harry to get the condom.

"Were you already planning this?" Niall asked with a laugh as he searched Harry's blue jeans.

"No." Harry breathed out as he closed his eyes for a second before opening them again.

Niall was surprised when he turned back around to see Harry already stretching himself open with three fingers. Harry looked breathtaking with his curls all over the place and with his lips parted. Little quiet groans leaving his mouth as his fingers moved at a slow pace inside of him. Niall pulled Harry's fingers out before putting the condom on and slicked it with his spit before pushing the head in. Harry let out a small wince feeling his hole stretch as Niall pushed in all the way and staying still. Harry nodded for Niall to go and he did do slow thrusts with his eyes closed.

"F-faster." Harry stuttered out as his short nails ran down Niall's back feeling Niall pick up the pace."Feels so good."

Harry leaned his head back with whimpers pouring out of his mouth with his eyes closed. Moans poured from Niall's mouth as he started to thrust harder taking Harry's breath away. Goosebumps rising on Harry's body as Niall's left hand came in contact with his waist. The rain outside coming down harder as Niall locked lips with Harry again in the warm house. A loud grunt left Harry's mouth when Niall's cock brushed against his prostate making his body be drowned in pleasure. Harry could feel his orgasm coming up he grabbed onto the base of his cock and started to pump.

"Fuck Harry!!!" Niall shouted as he and Harry came at the same time with loud moans."I would love for you to stay here since its kind of a sweater weather outside."

"I wouldn't mind." Harry said out of breath with a smile on his face before leaning up and kissing Niall.

I'm so sad to say this but the next time I update this I'll be heading to school. I feel like crying I don't want summer vacation to be over already I still haven't started on my damn summer break packet. I just want to shoot myself in the head already I can't take this crap.

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