Curious Harry (Narry)

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"Let's bring in the next model before it starts to rain please." Niall said as he got his camera ready seeing the crew make sure that the lighting was perfect and no animals were around them.

Niall smiled seeing the model already in position with a grin on her face. Niall quickly started to take pictures wanting to get this day over with already. He took about ten more pictures before sitting his camera down on a tree stump. He went over to his gym bag and pulled out a bag of chips he opened them as he walked back to his camera. His eyes grew wide seeing that it was gone and only leaves was left in its place. Niall looked around before seeing the trees shake and monkey noises was heard. Niall quickly followed trying to spot the monkey that took his stuff.

A few minutes passed and Niall stopped in his tracks and come to realize that he was far away from his crew. His eyes grew wide and he quickly took out his phone dialing one of the crew members number. He let out a gasp as his chips was ripped away from his hand making him spin around looking for the theft. He let out another gasp when his phone was taken hearing the monkey close by. Niall could see some bushes shaking and he grabbed a thick stick before charging over to the bush. He lifted the stick in the air and brought it down but it was stopped midway.

Niall eyes grew wide when he saw that it wasn't a monkey at all it was a man. A very tall and buff man with no clothes on but with the piece of brown cloth that was covering his private area. Niall took a step back letting go of the stick as the monkey man drop the stick and started to eat Niall's chips. Niall's eyes grew wide and he quickly went back over to the guy reaching out for his chips. He let out a squeal as he was roughly tackled to the ground by a actual gorilla making him freak out. Niall closed his eyes and lift his hands up to block his face as the gorilla lifted its fist in the air. A loud growl was heard before the gorilla was pushed off of Niall making him able to breath properly.

"Ooo oo." The monkey man said and the gorilla nodded before rubbing its forehead against the monkey man's forehead.

Niall removed his hands and opened his eyes to look over at the monkey man to see him with his knuckles pressed into the ground as he looked at the gorilla with a smile. Niall slowly sat up and moved away from the two and over to his phone and camera. Niall grabbed his phone and camera before getting up and running as fast as he could going the way he thinks he came from. He was tackled to the ground again making him land in some mud lucky his phone and camera didn't get covered in it. Niall got away from under the attacker and look to see it was the monkey man looking at him.

"Won't hurt you." The curly hair man said as he moved closer to Niall so they were face to face."I'm Harry."

"Well Harry, how long have you been here?" Niall asked and Harry started to play with Niall's hair picking out the glob of mud.

"Don't know, I eight when I last saw my parents." Harry said and Niall's eyes grew wide as he grabbed Harry's wrists making him jump a little bit.

"I can't believe you've been here for so long." Niall said as Harry broke out of his grip and went over to his phone sniffing it before licking it a few times."Hey, don't do that!"

Harry jumped at the sudden volume and hissed loudly at Niall before throwing dirt in Niall's face then ran off with his stuff. Niall rubbed at his eyes trying to get the dirt out and spitting out the dirt that got in his mouth. Niall looked around after a while and saw that Harry was gone with his things making him curse loudly. He heard a twig snap and he looked behind him to see a leopard making his breath hitch. Niall started to get up and ran with his heart beating in his ears hearing the leopard running after him. He really regretted coming to the jungle now as he zig zag around trees and bushes.

Niall turned his head when he heard the leopard hiss Niall's eyes grew wide seeing Harry pounce on the leopard. He stopped running watching as Harry wrapped his arm around the leopard's neck and squeezed tightly not letting go until the leopard went limp. Harry let go of the leopard and looked over at Niall who mouth hung open as he looked at Harry with shock. He was really confused at the moment as he scratched the back of his head. Harry was in front of him in a instant checking his body for any bruise. He let out a breath of relief seeing that Niall was perfectly fine which made him smile.

"How did you know I was in danger?" Niall asked as he wiped the bit of sweat and mud off his forehead.

"I travel in trees, so I see all." Harry said as he pointed up to the trees that was shaking slightly with monkey noises coming from them.

"Well, thank you for saving me Harry." Niall said putting his dirty hands in his pockets as he kicked a small grey rock."I would have been irish food right now."

"I don't let people get hurt by wild animals." Harry said and looked down at his feet before looking up at Niall."I sorry for taking your things."

"Where are they its the only way we'll get out of here." Niall said and Harry nodded before running pass Niall and up a tree.

"Niall!!!" Niall looked around hearing his name being called spotting his crew running over to him with knives in their hands.

"No wait!!!" Niall shouted putting his hands up but it was too late as Harry jumped on a repair man and lifted his fist up in the air."Harry their not trying to hurt me!!!"

"Who this?" Harry asked as he put his feet down and got off the startled man and looking back at Niall.

"I work with them." Niall said and Harry nodded before he went over to Niall like a monkey would."I'm sorry guys he really doesn't know any better he's basically been here is whole life."

"My parents did this when they happy or like each other." Harry said and Niall looked at him confused but Harry stood up and kissed him on the mouth for a quick second before pulling away."Like you, Niall."

"You can't Harry we just met." Niall said which made Harry frown at him but Niall wrap his arm around Harry's shoulder."But we can start off as friends."

"I okay with that." Harry said as he sat on his bum and smiling up at Niall who ruffled his hair.

"Me too monkey boy." Niall said and sat down in front of Harry who quickly grabbed his hands and started to play with them.

I also wanted to let you guys know if you really like these one shots and want me to make it into a story then tell me. Or if you want me to add a part in a story then tell me and I'll do it without a problem. I found this way to adorable and I hope you did too because monkey Harry is cute af.

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