Super Glue (Narry)

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"Your going to do fine don't worry about it." Niall whispered to himself as he stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom."They will love you."

Niall bounced up and down shaking his hands holding the script in his hand tight to say he was nervous was a lie he was terrified about this audition he's been acting for a while but he still got scared that he would forget a line or say the wrong thing or his voice cracks. He wanted every thing to go perfect he wanted to make every body proud of him and plus himself he wanted to get this role he thinks he's perfect for it so that's why he's here in the boys bathroom trying to calm his self.

"I got this just go out there strong and proud." Niall said as he did a lot of hand movements."Don't fuck it up you worked to hard."

Niall cleared his throat looking his self in the eyes he looked down at the script then at his self again he nodded before walking out the quiet and empty bathroom he walked in the hall and saw the door at the end of the hall he took a deep breath he was trying really hard to push his nervousness away and he did by the time he came to the door. He looked at it gulping loudly he shook his head then put on a smile pushing the door open it was now or never he would either get it or not.

*1 Hour Later*

Niall slammed the front door open with a smile on his face he looked at the paper in his hand before smiling and running up the stairs and in to his and Harry room he jumped on top of Harry who was on his phone. Harry groaned as the wind was knocked out of him, he sat his phone down and looked up at Niall who was bouncing up and down on him like a kid on Christmas who got everything they wanted.

"What's all the screaming and jumping about?" Harry asked as Niall hugged the paper with a grin.

"I got the part!!!" Niall shouted as he shoved the paper in Harry face with a scream."I fucking got it!!!"

See Niall loved acting and he was a good acter he's been in a few good movies and many people know who he is and he always wanted to get this part as a werewolf who falls in love with this girl and he has to go through ups and downs to win over the girl and keep his secret. Niall has been training for two months for this role and if Harry had to be honest he thought Niall got carried away at some times with the eating like a wolf and playing with his socks.

"I knew you would get it." Harry said as he sat up making Niall sit in his lap.

"God all that training finally paid off I even got the costume." Niall said as he punched lightly at Harry chest.

"Wow let me see it." Harry said as he was about to get up but Niall quickly shook his head.

"No I won't you to see it when the big day come." Niall said as he patted Harry cheek softly with a smile.

Harry pouted and gave Niall puppy dog eyes and Niall gave one back as he pinched Harry cheeks before he peck his lips and got off him and out the room to get the box that he left by the front door he picked it up and went back upstairs to see Harry back on his phone with a smile on his face. A laugh would leave his mouth every ten minutes Niall sat the box on the bed with a smirk on his face Harry sat up again looking at the box confused Niall open the box and pulled out four sharp teeths.

"I got fangs." Niall said then pulled out two fluffy wolf ears."I'm totally going to rock these."

"Did you just say totally?" Harry asked with a laugh as he was on his knees in front of Niall and the box.

"Shut up." Niall said with a blush as he pushed Harry shoulder lightly Harry smiled and kissed Niall nose.

"Come on put it on for me please just this once." Harry said and put the wolf ears on Niall ears."You look really cute."

"No Harry I might mess it up." Niall said taking off the ears and put them in the box.

"Please." Harry said with a whine to his voice Niall roll his eyes before he nodded with a small smile.

"Fine but you have to go get me some Subway." Niall said then poked Harry nose at the end.

"Fine I'll be back quick." Harry said as he got off the bed pulling on his shirt.

Harry quickly left the house after he put on his shoes Niall looked in the box he pulled out two bottles of glue he sat on the bed and put glue on the ears and fangs he didn't see the type of glue he was using as he put the pieces on. He instantly took a picture putting it on Twitter and Instagram comments instantly flowing in making him smile and some making him laugh loudly he snapped his fingers remembering that he forgot to put on the nails once that was over he walked out the room going in the bathroom.

"I don't look bad." Niall said and just like that the front door open to Harry breathing heavily."What the hell you do run!!!"

"No I ran there but then when I was coming back some fans was following me so I had to run around the block two times to lose them I would have been here earlier." Harry said in one big breath."Here."

"Thanks." Niall said catching the sandwich he rolled his eyes when he heard Harry laugh.

"You look so cute." Harry said as he hugged Niall then started to play with his ears Niall growled at him with a blush."You should stay like this for a while."

"No, you saw it and I'm going to take it off now." Niall said then grabbed his ear.

He pulled on it and he gave a very confused look he pulled on it again that's when his eyes grew wide and he dropped his sandwich before he ran into the room and looked at the glue his eyes grew wide when he look at the empty glue bottle that said permanently. He groaned then scream throwing the bottle at Harry who was picking up his sandwich Niall fell on the bed throwing the pillows Harry picked up the glue and looked at him, he laughed and walk in the room.

"It won't come off and now I'm stuck like this." Niall said as he stood and pointed to his mouth.

"Don't worry it'll come off it just take time." Harry said and Niall pulled on his ears again but harder.

"No it won't I'm going to look like this forever." Niall said as he put his head on Harry shoulder fake crying.

"Come on Niall don't be sad your a big bad wolf now give me a howl." Harry said as he cupped both of Niall cheeks with a smile.

"Harry now is not the time." Niall said and Harry pouted at him, Niall rolled his eyes."Fine."

"It'll make you feel good." Harry said and Niall crossed his arms over his chest before howling."That was good now do you feel better."

"Yeah I do." Niall said with a shrug before smiling big."Ok it did a lot I think I won't mind staying like this for a while."

Harry gave Niall his sandwich back and watched his little wolf eat with a smile on his face Niall still thought that it won't come off but after two months it he had to sit in a steam room and let the glue soft. He had to go through a interview like that a lot of people thought he was a real werewolf and he scared every kid that he walked pass so he had to cover up his ears and mouth. But he and Harry still liked the way he look some people thought it was cool and decided to do the same thing Niall was a very happy wolf and he nailed the movie.


Hey look it's a super cute Narry one shot I hope you enjoyed it if you did then you are the best and I love you for that. I hope you like the next cute Narry I promise you no one will die every thing will be all lovey dovey don't worry.

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