A Cold Visit (Narry)

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"How many times do I have to tell you that Jack Frost isn't real?" Harry asked Alice, the little girl he was babysitting, rolling his eyes.

"He is and I'll prove it to you." She said before stomping off with her Jack Frost painting in her hand.

Harry scoffed before turning on the TV and grabbing his beer bottle off the coffee table. Out of all the kids he had to babysit he hated Alice because she believed in so many things. She never takes no for an answer and she likes to rub shit in when she's right. Harry couldn't hate her too much because her parents pay him a lot of money. He heard a thump upstairs but he didn't bother getting up since his favorite show was on. He put his feet on the coffee table knocking over Alice paintbrush and paper. He looked at the time on his phone and saw that he has to feed Alice.

He quickly got off the couch when his show went on commercial he looked through the fridge trying to find something quick to make. He grabbed the hot pocket and popped it in the microwave then went back to the living room. He was about to sit down but a loud thump was heard and a laugh which made him let out a breath of frustration. He stood straight and went upstairs looking in each room trying to find the little brat. He finally came into her room to see her giggling as she looked at her frozen window that had JF neatly written in it. He was about to walk out the room but he saw snowflakes carved in the window.

The crazy part was that Alice didn't write it she was looking at some thing with a huge smile on her face as her room turned cold. Harry took a few steps in the room leaning his head to the side trying to figure out how this was possible. He let out a gasp as Alice was taken off her feet and the window opening with a cold breeze blowing in with some snowflakes. Harry quickly sat Alice back down on her feet and closed the window as the microwave dinged. Harry turned around to face Alice and he nearly fainted seeing Jack Frost picking up Alice and put her on his shoulder. Harry rubbed his eyes and blinked a few times hoping this was a dream but after a few minutes he knew it was real.

"I told you Harry he is real." Alice said as Harry took a step back his back bumping into the window.

"You can call me Niall Frost I'm not a imposter Jack is just my middle name." Niall said as Alice yawned and fell asleep dropping into Niall's arms."Do you have anything to eat?"

"Umm okay and w-we have a h-hot pocket downstairs." Harry said and pointing out of the bedroom feeling stupid that he stuttered.

"Cool." Niall said putting Alice in her bed making sure she was tucked in and comfortable.

He looked over at Harry with a grin on his face before he floated off the floor grabbing his stick and flying out of the room with a laugh. Harry eyes grew wide and he looked at Alice before leaving the room going after Niall hearing him groan loudly. Harry entered the kitchen to see Niall finishing off the hot pocket licking his lips then rubbed his stomach. Harry felt like he should call the police because he kind of did break into Alice's home. Harry dug in his pocket taking out his phone calling the police as he entered the living room. He started to shiver as he put the phone to his ear with his breath visible.

"Jack Frost is in-" Harry was cut off with the police hanging up which made Harry's eyes grow wide

"Hey, let's go have some fun it looks like you need it I promise I'll have you back before Alice parents come back." Niall said as he walked in the room the floor going cold and the walls getting covered in ice.

Before Harry could say something, Niall snapped his fingers and Harry floated off the floor which made him panic. He thrashed around trying to get back on the floor as Niall floated off the floor and flew out the living room and out of the house with Harry behind him. Niall flew low to the ground touching it with his stick making a straight trail of ice behind with Harry sliding on it. In no time the two made it to the lake Niall flickering blue sparks out of his fingertips making the water turn into ice. He smirked before sitting his stick down and slid across the lake with his hands in his pocket.

"Come on live a little Harry, if I do recall you believed in me when you were younger so why not now?" Niall asked as he skated around Harry who was trying not to fall.

"Your not real I'm just sleeping on the couch and I'll wake up real soon." Harry said as he closed his eyes and pinched his arm hard.

"I can prove it to you." Niall said and before Harry could say some thing Niall brought his cold lips to Harry warm lips.

Harry's body had sparks running through it his eyes growing wide surprisingly he didn't feel cold at all. He hate to admit it but he did have a crush on Jack, well Niall, Frost when he was a teen. He didn't think that he would be kissing him right now and loving it at the same time. Niall pulled away from the kiss and tapped Harry's nose with a smile before flying high into the air. He clasped his fingers together then opened them with a spark flying out and exploding creating little snow animals. They flew down to Harry who smiled as he tried to catch one of them but they end up exploding creating snowflakes.

"There's that beautiful smile." Niall said as he flew upside down next to Harry who rolled his eyes with a blush.

"How are you real?" Harry asked and Niall held out his hand then his stick flew into his hand."Please don't go I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"It's okay Harry I'm comfortable with answering it I just wanted to hold my stick and the answer is magic and people believing." Niall said as he landed on his feet looking down at the ice that started the whole thing."I'm lying I just died then came back to life like this."

"Fuck, the cops." Harry whispered seeing them walk over to the lake Niall put Harry on his back with a laugh.

"Hang on." Niall said before flying away quickly blowing Harry's hair back in the wind.

Harry looked down at the city as Niall flew higher in the summer air slowing down his speed a bit. Harry wanted to take a picture but he was afraid that he would drop his phone or he might fall trying to. Then the most craziest thing popped up in his head he took out his phone and took several pictures. He then put his phone away before leaning to the side falling off of Niall with a grin on his face. Niall quickly stopped when he didn't feel Harry on his back anymore he looked down and his eyes grew wide. He flew quickly after Harry who had his arms behind his head as he looked up at Niall.

"Don't ever do that again." Niall said as he grabbed Harry and landed right in front of Alice house as her parents pulled up in front of it."I'll see you around."

Harry gave Niall a quick kiss on the lips before watching him fly away as Alice parents got out of the car. They paid Harry then asked what had happened before they watched him head down the street going home with a smile on his face. This has been the best day of his life he was sure that he was never going to forget it. He let out a gasp as he felt arms wrap around his waist and he was flown off the ground and he instantly knew who it was. He looked behind him to see Niall grinning at him which made Harry laugh at his cuteness.

"I've decided to be your boyfriend because you look lonely and I really like you even though we just met." Niall said and Harry shook his head but kissed Niall anyway as they flew off into the night.


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