Becoming A Wolf (Narry)

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"Times up." Niall said crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at the three dressing room doors with only two opening.

"I can't wait for the party." Zayn said as he played with his cape that went with his vampire costume."Where's Harry?"

"Right here." Harry said coming out the third dressing room wearing the little red riding hood costume playing with the two red strings.

The guys shook their heads at Harry's costume because they all was supposed to be shirtless with it. Niall was a shirtless angel, Louis was a shirtless demon, Liam was a shirtless boxer, and Zayn was a shirtless werewolf. But little Harry wasn't they all was going to this Halloween party in the woods that some random guys invited them to. Niall pushed Harry back in the dressing room making him yelp Niall closed the door before taking off the red cloak. Niall slammed Harry to the wall before ripping off his shirt making Harry cringe watching the black shirt fall to the floor in two. Harry looked back up at Niall who smiled at him and the guys left the store after paying.

*5 Hours Later*

"You enjoying yourself over there Niall?" Louis asked watching Niall snog the life out of Christopher's mouth.

"Fuck off." Niall said before attaching his lips to Christopher's lips who barely had enough time to catch his breath.

"Maybe we should go somewhere more private." Harry said as he stood watching Niall flip Louis off who laughed.

"That sounds like a great idea." Robert said as he stood then he and Harry walked away from the little party.

"Seems like Robert and Harry hit it off great." Liam said with a smirk as Niall pulled away from Christopher swollen lips to see Harry taking off his cloak as he walked away.

*3 Minutes Later*

"It's my f-f-first time." Harry said as Robert's hand cupped his crotch as they sat in the backseat of his car away from the party."I want it to be special."

"I'll try to be gentle darling." Robert whispered in Harry's ear with a smirk as he kissed Harry's neck softly feeling Harry's hands on his chest trying to push him away."My my my what big eyes you have."

"I change my mind." Harry said as Robert pinned him down to his seat while straddling his lap."Please I don't want to do this anymore."

"Your not going anywhere little red riding hood I want you to show me a good time darling." Robert said glaring down at a whimpering Harry.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Harry said shaking his head pushing Robert off before getting out the car and blinking his tears away as he ran away from the car.

"Turn it up some more Liam." Zayn said as he pulled Niall off the tree trunk and started to dance with him as Liam turned up the music a bit.

Louis pulled Liam to dance with him as Peter, Jasper, and Christopher watched with wide eyes as it started to get a little bit sexual. They couldn't hear the growls, moans, and snarls that was coming from Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Liam as they danced around. Their spines changing and more visible as the fire grew just a bit bigger as the guys eyes changed colors before going back to normal. They took a deep breath and rolled their shoulders as the song went off with Louis going to cut off the radio as a owl was heard. Harry stopped himself from being seen knowing what's about to happen he stood by a tree watching the scene unfold.

He leaned his head to the side watching Niall pull Zayn into a kiss as Louis pulled Liam into a kiss as well. Harry wasn't shocked at all he was use to seeing them kiss each other hell he's kissed them at times. Harry put his hands against the tree and looked around to see was the coast was clear just in case some one walked over. He looked back at the scene wondering should he walk over and tell them that he couldn't go through with the plan. But he thought about it and decided he wasn't because they were going to be mad at him because this would be his third year backing out of the plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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