Ass Is Mine (Narry) (!)

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Dedication: -Drunkcaster

"We got another full house!!!" Louis shouted as he walked into his workers dressing room seeing them nodding and getting ready for the show."Come on girls and boys we have people to please."

Harry sat in front of his mirror station putting on his top hat with a smile on his face. He took in a deep breath kind of nervous since he was the first to go on stage he didn't like big crowds because that meant more people to please. Harry got out of his chair grabbing his little whip loving the prompts he gets. Harry stood behind the curtain as a blonde hair male walked in the building putting his phone away and heading to the bar. Harry bounced up and down hearing his music come on and the curtains pull away from each other. The spotlight landing on Harry who didn't waste any time knowing if he screwed up it was going to be taken out of his pay check.

Harry blocked out the clapping and whistles letting the music take him as he moved his hips and legs. But Harry couldn't stop looking over at the blonde male who wouldn't stop looking at him while he danced on the stage. After a few more minutes the song went off and Harry bowed to the crowd seeing them all a kiss before skipping off stage. He was handed a towel as he entered the dressing room taking off his top hat and tight shirt. He took off his booty shorts before sitting down in his chair leaning his head back and letting out a breath of relief. He jumped when there was a knock on the door and the same man from before came in.

"Sorry, we don't do private dances." Harry said covering his lower half with the towel as the man finished off the cocktail.

"I know that I came looking for you because you were really good up there." The man said closing the door which made Harry scared a little bit."I'm Niall by the way."

"Well Niall, does my boss know your back here?" Harry asked getting out of his chair wrapping his towel around his waist tightly.

"As a matter of fact he does I paid him to let me back here and so any one can't interrupt us. Don't worry I don't bite unless you want me to." Niall said sitting his glass on a random table before walking over to Harry.

Harry made sure to stay by his chair seeing Niall look him up and down then biting his bottom lip before making eye contact with Harry. Niall reached his hand out to move a piece of Harry's hair out of his face but Harry leaned his head back. Niall shook his head with a laugh before wrapping his arm around Harry's waist and pulled him close to his body which made Harry gasp and eyes grow wide. He put his hands on Niall's chest trying to push him away but Niall only made his grip tight. Harry seriously thought that he was going to get raped but he doesn't think a sexy guy like Niall would do something like that to him.

"Your ass looked good in those booty shorts you should have kept them on but I'll have to admit you look better undressed." Niall said and Harry let out a moan as Niall kissed and started to suck on his neck.

"What do you want me for?" Harry said pushing Niall's head away from his neck trying to stop himself from sucking Niall's face off.

"I want you I know it may seem stupid but as soon as my eyes landed on you I knew you were mine and whatever I want I get." Niall said before pulling the towel off of Harry.

Harry jumped when Niall knocked off hair products and other things off the counter making some of them break Harry let out another gasp as Niall sat him down on the counter. Niall spread open Harry's legs and moved in between them then started to kiss and bite Harry's neck again. Harry wrapped his legs around Niall's waist pulling him closer and wrapping his arms around Niall's neck. Niall ran his fingers through Harry's hair as he went lower with his kissing and biting missing Harry's cock on purpose. Harry fingers fumbled with Niall's dress shirt buttons but he got it undone throwing the shirt to the floor.

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