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Taylor's POV

"Trav, I need to reply to these emails and finalize the details on how I'm going to announce this new album." I say as Travis' large hands massage my shoulders while he's pressing kisses on my neck.

"Baby, can't you finish these up tomorrow? I declined the invite to Pat and Britt's party so we could have tonight to ourselves."

I sigh. "No I can't. Tomorrow is June 13th and it happens to also be a Friday. I've already told you all of this."

Travis removes his hands from my shoulders and moves to sit in the chair next to me. "Remind me again why you're in such a rush to get these details finalized so you can announce it tomorrow?"

I press send after finishing my reply to an email then lean back in my chair. "Tomorrow is Friday the 13th which happens to be the first Friday the 13th this year. It will be my thirteenth album and it also happens to be called 'Thirteen'. The entire album is about you. Thirteen songs where each one is about thirteen of my favorite memories that we've made together in the past two years. I told you about this in December after I released my 12th album. Remember? The one with 15 vault tracks that never made the cut on any of my re-recordings?"

He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head. "Yes I do remember. What I also remember is you telling me you'd push work aside so we could spend time together."

I groan and rub my eyes before continuing to reply to an email from Tree. "I know and I'm sorry. But we also spent the entire day together out and about then we came home, had sex, and ate dinner. Now I just need another thirty minutes to finish things up then I'll be all yours for the rest of the night."

"Fine." Travis gets up and walks out of the room. I wait until he's all the way upstairs before letting the tears fall down my cheeks.

Travis and I have been rocky the last few months. He heavily injured his knee during a game in January and due to the extent of the injury, he had to retire. I tried to be there for him and give him all my support, but him taking his anger and frustrations out on me was enough to make me distance myself.

The Eras Tour ended in December and since then, I've had a lot more time on my hands. Two weeks after the tour ended, Travis and I bought a house together in Kansas City and we've officially moved in together. I still have my apartment in New York for when I need to take trips for work, but I mainly reside here.

I have been cranky more often and been taking my irritation out on Travis. I know he doesn't deserve it which is why I always apologize afterwards, but sometimes I feel like he deserves it with how he's been treating me lately. I've been so used to being constantly busy that once I wasn't, it was hard. I guess I've been having a hard time adjusting.

We're constantly arguing and picking fights. Two months ago, I was late picking him up from physical therapy because I accidentally fell asleep and when I picked him up, he started an argument. I slept in the guest room that night. I probably would've stayed in our room if he hadn't told me I've been a selfish bitch lately. Yeah, that one hurt.

Then two days ago, I yelled at him. He went out with the guys and their significant others. He assumed I'd be in the studio when, in reality, I was free and didn't have to go in. He didn't even ask me or bring it up to me so obviously I was irritated. When he came home, I picked a fight and he ended up in the guest room that night. Well, after we had angry hate sex. If I hadn't called him an ignorant dick, he probably would've stayed in our room.

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