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Taylor's POV

My eyes water. Travis had told me Austin hung up on him and Austin said he wanted to kill Travis after everything that happened. What the fuck happened between them for this to happen?

My mind races with questions and before I can even think, my mouth opens and I start forming words.

"Are you kidding me, Austin? You better have a damn good explanation on why you gave Travis my phone number and address. Oh, and I thought you hated him after what he said? Travis said you hung up on him."

"Yes, I was mad at him at first. I did want to beat his ass even though I knew I'd probably end up losing the fight, but I heard him out. He sounded so genuinely sorry and wanted nothing more than to talk to you, but he told me he wanted to respect your space and wait awhile before trying to reach out."

I sigh. "Okay, and? You still went behind my back. Yes, he is here and we talked it out. I still have more things to say and discuss with him, but I still haven't completely let my guard down. I'm willing to work on things, but it doesn't make me instantly thankful that you gave him my new number and address. Did he come to you and pressure you into giving it to him?"

I don't know why, but deep down I'm hoping and praying that Travis didn't beg my brother for this information because if he did, then it's over again. Even if he didn't, I'm still a little irritated that my brother conspired against me and broke my trust.

"No, he didn't. I willingly gave it to him. I know this will seem like a lame excuse, but I only gave it to him because I'm worried. Teffy, what if something happened to you and none of us could get to you? We both know that Travis would drop everything to get to you. He even told me it was wrong of me to do this. He didn't want to accept it at first out of respect for you, but when he realized that you were there without your family, he knew he had to go to you and make sure you are okay."

"Whatever, Austin. I'm fine. I know you had my best interests in mind, but I really would've liked the heads up. Yes, I would've been mad at you, but I wouldn't have been as mad as I am right now. Goodbye." I hang up the phone before he could say anything else. I put Travis' phone back on the table and fall to the floor, sobs escaping through my lips. My hand flies to my mouth in attempt to muffle them so Travis wouldn't hear me, but it didn't work.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I tense up at first, but then I remember that it's just Travis. He's always been the type of person to comfort me by holding me in his arms and telling me it'll be alright. I should be angry with him, but being back in his arms is making my angry thoughts fade away.

"What's going on, Tay? Talk to me." Travis rubs my back and I keep my hands on my bump.

"I'm fine." I whisper and he pulls back to look me in the eyes.

"Taylor, I know you're not fine. Please don't shut me out. Communication is important and if we want to make things work, we need to communicate. I'm here to listen." He moves to sit behind me and I lean my back against his chest as he wraps his arms around me and rests his hands on my bump.

I know he's right, but I really don't want an argument to come out of this. An argument is the last thing I need right now.

"Austin called you and I answered. He told me everything. Travis, I don't know what to say. I feel betrayed. I trusted everyone I told and out of all people, he did it." I sniffle and Travis tightens his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, Tay. I really am. I did tell him that it was wrong of him to do this to you. I was hesitant on flying out here because I didn't know if you would either accept me and be willing to talk things out or slam the door in my face and tell me to fuck off. But when he told me you're pregnant with my kid, I knew I had to come up here. I couldn't just sit back and let you go through this on your own."

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