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Taylor's POV

It's been a week since I've moved to Canada. God, I love it so much already. Travis and I have talked over text once or twice since he first texted me earlier this week. I asked him how he got my new number and he ignored the question.

My belly has started to pop. Seeing my little bump for the first time brought tears to my eyes. God, I love my little bean so much. I took a mirror selfie showing my small bump and sent it to my parents who immediately heart reacted the photo. A part of me wanted to send it to Travis, but then I remembered I needed to stay strong and not fall back in so easily.

My phone dings and I reach over to my nightstand to grab it, opening it to see a text from Travis.

Trav ❤️
Britt asked me if I could give her your new number, but I wanted to run it by you first to see if you're okay with it.

Also, how's baby doing? And how are you doing? Really? Don't sugarcoat it, Tay.

My eyes water as I read the text and type out a reply, pressing send once I'm done. Obviously, I said yes to giving Brittany my number. I miss her and our girl talks.

But, Travis is also asking me how I'm really doing. I can't even remember the last time he asked me this. A tear falls down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away, but more tears fall when I remember the feeling of his thumb on my skin when he'd wipe my tears away. Goddamn these stupid pregnancy hormones.

I type out another reply in response to his second question on how I'm doing. The people pleaser in me wants to sugarcoat it so I seem fine but then again, I'm going to be brutally honest and put the people pleasing behind me.

No. I'm not doing fine. I just moved to a different country away from my family while pregnant. I miss everyone so much and it hurts not having my support system here with me. I might be okay, but I'm not fine at all.

I set my phone down and look up at my ceiling. I can't help but feel a little selfish. I ran from Travis without even trying to get him to communicate with me. I ran because of a hurtful comment. Yes, there was so much more leading up to it, but that one fight caused me to leave him. He told me he was falling out of love, but a part of me thinks it was just a comment in the heat of the moment.

It wasn't just him who threw out insults and started arguments, it was me who did it too. Yes, he did things that made me mad and feel compelled to take it out on him, but I did things like that too. We failed to communicate through it all. We let the anger take over and tear us apart.

"Fuck!" I scream out and break down. I screwed up. I wanted nothing more than to be in Travis' arms being comforted and told that we'd be okay. I miss him more than anything.


Travis' POV

"I think I may fly out to see Taylor." I say making both my brother and Kylie snap their heads at me.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, bro. She may not want to see you."

I roll my eyes. "It'll be worth the try. I want to. She's pregnant with my kid and she told me she's not doing good."

"Wait, you talked to her?" Kylie remarks with a hint of sadness in her voice. Kylie and Taylor were so close and it hurt Kylie deeply when Taylor left.

I nod. "Yeah, I got her new number and surprisingly she didn't immediately block me. We've texted back and forth a couple times. She asked me if I could telepathically tell my kid to stop making her sick all the time."

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