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a/n: who do you guys think is the one who gave travis taylor's new number & address? hint: it wasn't tree.

^^ put in your final guesses now because they will be revealed!!

Taylor's POV

"Travis? W-what are you doing here?" To say I'm shocked is an understatement. How did he get my new address?

"I came here to talk to you and hopefully patch things up. Well, if that is okay with you." His tone has a hint of nervousness. God, I know I shouldn't do this but I have to think of our baby that's in my belly. It's a worth a try.

"Yes, it's okay. Come in." I step aside and allow Travis to walk in. I shut the door behind him and turn myself to face him.

"Here. I got you roses and some other things I knew you'd like." He passes me the bouquet of flowers and the gift bag.

"Travis, these are carnations." I giggle at the look on his face. "But thank you, I love them."

We walk to the kitchen and I take out a vase from the cabinet, fill it with water, and put the flowers in. I set the vase on the dining room table and suddenly remember I have an uneaten sandwich waiting for me. I pick it up and before I can take a bite, I see Travis looking at me weirdly. I raise my eyebrows at him as if I'm asking him why he's looking at me like that.

"Is that strawberry jam in a grilled cheese sandwich?" He smiles at me and I smile back at him, nodding before taking a bite.

"So good." I quickly finish my sandwich and put my plate in the sink. I motion for Travis to follow me and we head to the living room, sitting on the couch. I sit criss cross and face him with a nervous look on my face.

"Tay, I need to get this off my chest. I'm not saying this so I can wiggle my way back into your life and act like nothing happened. I'm saying this because I genuinely need to. I need to tell you how I feel and everything I've thought about during the time we were apart."

I nod. "Okay. I'm listening." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. What he's about to say can either go really good or really bad.

"I was wrong, I was selfish, and I was an idiot. When I got to Arrowhead, Andy noticed my mood and made me tell him everything. God, I had never seen him more angry with me in the entire time I've known him. He got Jason and my dad on the phone and I, once again, had to explain everything. The three of them lectured me and made me realize just how much of a dick I was being to you. When I got injured, you rescheduled everything just so you could be there for me. You helped me get around, drove me to physical therapy, cooked me dinner, and you helped me get through the tough acceptance that I had to retire. You didn't have to do what you did, but you still did without complaints. Even when I lashed out and took out all my frustrations and anger on you, you kept going and didn't back down. I should've been better at being thankful for you and your support." Travis pauses so he can wipe his eyes and I take a moment to wipe my own.

I place a hand on my belly and caress it with my thumb as Travis collects himself. A couple minutes later, he looks back up at me and I can see the tears brimming in his eyes.

"Tay, it's not just that I'm apologizing for. It's all the other stuff I said and how I acted. I said and did so many things that I swore I would never say or do to you. I'm gonna be honest, but the moment I brought up Joe in that comment the day you left, I regretted it. The hurt in your eyes made me want to take you in my arms and repeatedly apologize, but I was so caught up in anger and my own ego that I didn't. I'm really fucking sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean it. I know that's the oldest excuse in the book, but deep down I hate myself for even letting those words invade my mind and eventually leave my mouth in front of your face. I'm fully owning up to own mistakes. I'm swallowing my pride and saying I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that."

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