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Taylor's POV

I groan as I walk back to my bed from my bathroom. I've been throwing up for the last twenty minutes and it's been awful. I just want this morning sickness to go away.

My OB saw me a few days ago and she had confirmed that I was pregnant. We also did an ultrasound and the moment I heard my baby's heartbeat, I broke down. A part of me was sad that Travis wasn't there, but the other part of me was happy I had something worth holding on for.

I flop down onto my bed and pick up my phone, going through my texts and responding to the important ones. Tree sent me all the info regarding where we're going to live and how we're going to manage my safety and privacy. I bought a big enough home so that my security will live there too. I'll also have plenty of space for when my family comes to visit me.

I'm so thankful that Tree and her family are moving with me too. Not into my house, of course. They bought a house that is conveniently next to mine. Tree has been so supportive through everything and I truly don't know what I did to deserve her.

Am I going to give up my apartment in New York? Hell no. I love my apartment and the city. Giving it up would hurt too much. I'll still fly back occasionally for work, but otherwise I'll be staying put in my new home in Iceland.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when my mom knocks the door then comes in.

"Hey honey, just wanted to check in on you and see if you need help packing. I know you're mostly done, but I don't want you to forget anything." She sits down on my bed and I sit up.

"I'm okay for now. My security will be here tomorrow to start loading things up in the car so we can have a head start and not have to worry about it the day I leave. I won't forget anything, I promise."

Some tears escape my eyes and I look down at my hands, not wanting my mom to see me cry, but it's too late.

"Taylor, what's wrong?"

I look up. "I'm going to miss you and dad and Austin so much. I know we can visit each other whenever, but it's a long flight. That, and I miss Travis. God, I know he hurt me, but over the last few days I can't help but want to reach out to him. Tell him about the baby, tell him I miss him, and ask him to come to me so we can talk. I feel truly alone."

My mom sighs and places a hand on my arm. "Taylor, I need you to listen to me very carefully." I nod and look at her. "Travis really messed up. What he did was not okay. I'm not saying you're not allowed to miss him, but think carefully. Do I think you should tell him about the baby? Yes, I do. It's his child and he deserves to know. A second chance? Only if he steps up and proves to you that he deserves one and won't hurt you like that again."

"I know. Maybe I'll at least reach out to Brittany or Kylie. I still have their numbers saved."

My mom stands up. "I think that'd be good to at least talk to someone you were close to. Knowing Travis' family, they probably had words with him and are worried about you."

I chuckle. "Yeah I'm sure they did grill him about everything. I miss them."

"I know you do. Well, I'm gonna go make dinner. Dad and Austin are coming over in a bit so we can have some family time before you leave."

"Okay. I'll be down when I finish packing the rest of my stuff."

She nods and walks out of my room. As soon as my door shuts, I stand up and start putting some clothes into a suitcase. I'm dividing each suitcase based on dresses, tops, jeans, skirts, and whatnot.

As I'm carefully folding my dresses, my phone starts buzzing with an incoming call. I pick it up and see that Tree is calling me so I answer, putting my phone on speaker so I can continue packing.

"What's up, Tree?"

"Hi Tay. Just wanted to let you know that everything is all set and we can get the house keys when we get to Iceland. All of the new furniture we picked out online is already in the house."

I smile. "I'm so excited. A fresh start is exactly what I need."

"Me too, Tay. I'm so proud of you and I will be here every step of the way. How are you feeling with the baby?"

"I'm okay. Morning sickness is not my friend, but hopefully it'll be over soon. It sucks, but it's worth it for my little bean."

"Little bean?"

I laugh as she laughs. "Well, I can't think of anything else. That is its name for now until I know the gender."

"Understandable. Also, I already know you're going to ask this so my answer is no. So far nothing regarding you and Travis has shown up in the media. As long as we can keep it that way, we should be fine."

I take a deep breath. "Good. I'm just hoping that no one close to Travis and I leaks something. I can't afford to go through the public aftermath of a breakup again."

"I know, honey. It's going to be okay. Incase any rumors start circulating, we'll be able to shut them down."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to finish packing and I have a family dinner soon. I'll see you the day after tomorrow at 7am?"

"I'll see you then, Tay. Tell your parents and brother I said hi and I'll see you soon."

"I will. Bye, Tree."

"Bye, Taylor."

I hang up and breathe a sigh of relief before setting my phone down and zipping up the suitcase full of dresses.


Travis' POV

I take a large sip of my beer as Patrick and Ross laugh over some video they're watching. I don't even bother laughing with them or watch the video with them. My mind is still processing what I learned earlier.

Taylor is moving to Iceland. Oh, and she's also pregnant with my kid.

At first, I thought Taylor had known before we broke up but then I was informed she found out afterwards. God, I can't imagine how scared she must be right now. I just want to take her in my arms and tell her it's going to be okay, but I can't do that. I have no way of reaching out to her.

"You okay, bro? You're spacing out." Patrick says and I look up at him and Ross.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking." I take another sip of my beer.

"Dude, you need to get your mind off Taylor. She has every right to not want to talk to you and you need to admit to yourself that it's over." Ross chimes in and I groan.

"I know I fucked up. I really did, but that won't stop me from thinking about her. How can I not think about her right now? I just found out she's pregnant with my baby and-" I stop myself. My eyes widen when I realize I accidentally said that out loud. Patrick and Ross' jaws drop.

"Holy shit dude. You're going to be a dad." Patrick takes a big drink of his beer.

"I know." My eyes start to water. "Taylor probably thinks I don't know. What hurts is that she didn't even reach out to tell me. You know, at least make me aware so I could at least offer my support and possibly coparent if she'd be okay with it. I guess it really shows how badly I hurt her. She doesn't want me in my kids life."

Ross lays a hand on my shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, bro. Hopefully she'll tell you soon. I'm sure she misses you as much as you miss her."

I nod. "I hope so."

My phone buzzes and I pick it up to see who texted me. My eyes widen as I read the text.

I know I'll probably get in huge trouble with Taylor for this, but here's her new number.

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