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two weeks later.

Taylor's POV

I sprint to the bathroom for what feels like the millionth time today, throwing up everything in my stomach. As I rest my head in my hands, I feel my mom's hand on my back.

"Taylor, honey, are you sure you're okay?"

Of course I'm fine, I just ended a two year relationship with the man I thought would be my forever. But sarcasm won't get me anywhere.

"I'm fine." I quietly say before I throw up again. My mom gently rubs my back and ties my hair into a ponytail. After waiting for another minute or two, I flush the toilet and get up. I brush my teeth and walk out of the bathroom.

"I'll be downstairs if you need anything. I love you." My mom smiles at me and I send a soft smile back.

"I love you too." I head to my room and flop down on the bed, landing on my stomach. "Ow, fuck!" I groan and roll over, clutching my breasts.

My mom comes bursting in the room a few seconds later. "Are you okay?" It's just like I'm five years old again. My mom comes running over to me whenever I say ow.

"Yeah, my breasts are just really sore. My head also hurts and I'm so fucking nauseous. I feel like I'm pregnant or something." My eyes widen and so do my moms. The wheels start turning in my head and I realize that everything I'm feeling points to me being pregnant.

"Taylor, when was your last period?" I sit up and open my phone, going straight to my period app. My jaw drops and my eyes water.

13 days late

"Oh my fucking god." I groan, turning my phone to show my mom. She sits down next to me and rubs my back.

"I know you may not want to hear this but, I think you may be pregnant. I'd suggest taking a test just to be sure, but everything you're feeling lines up with pregnancy symptoms." I sniffle and try not to cry. I've cried so much over the last two weeks and I just want to go one day without crying so I can heal the wounds that Travis ripped open.

I stand up and walk over to one of my bags and reach into the side pocket, pulling out a couple pregnancy tests. I silently walk into my bathroom and pull the tests out of the packaging. Taking a deep breath, I grab a little cup and pee into it. After making sure I put enough drops on each stick, I set a timer on my phone for 3 minutes and walk back into my room and sit on my bed.

"No matter what the outcome is, I'll be here to support you every step of the way."

"Thanks, mom." I softly smile and wipe my eyes as I feel them start to water.

Honestly, I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do if I'm pregnant. I'm already planning on moving to a different country anyways and I know my OB will move with me because, well, I'm her only patient. Obviously my security will be with me too. My mom and my dad? I don't think they will. As much as it'll hurt to leave everyone behind, it's for the best. Will Travis try to find me? I doubt it considering he hasn't come to my mom's house yet. He's probably tried calling and texting me, but it sucks for him because I got a new phone and a new number.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the timer on my phone go off. My eyes water and I feel frozen in my spot. I don't want to get up. My mom puts a hand on my back and I look over at her.

"It's going to be okay, honey. Like I said, I'll always support you." She says and I nod, standing up and walking to the bathroom. After taking some deep breaths and I turn over the tests, staring at them with wide eyes when I see the results.

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