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Mommy says I can't go outside again. Daddy says I have to play with my dolls in my room. Mommy says I can't play with the kids outside. Daddy says it's too dangerous for me.

And I'm okay with that. It's normal. Mommy and Daddy are always right.

I'm told to never look out the window, although I take quick peeks every once in a while. Sometimes I wonder what it's like out there. Mommy says it's bad. Daddy says to stay in the house.

I'm happy. And my 'friends' are too. Timothy is shy and quiet, but sweet. Vivian is brave and smart, but friendly. I made them up. Mommy says hello to Timothy every day. Daddy says 'Good job!' to Vivian when she protects me. My 'friends' go outside and play with the other kids. They come back and tell me all about their adventures.

I've never been outside. I've never met my other family, though I've been told I don't have any other family. And it's all normal to me.

Mommy and Daddy call me special.

I know I'm special...


(A/N) Hey my Balloons! New story! So this is the beginning of the Gold x Reader story I will be writing. It's weird how I couldn't fall asleep and this idea popped into my head. I love the idea and I hope that you will too. I don't see many stories where you, the reader, are put into the story as a young kid instead of a teenager or an adult so I decided to try it out. Yes, you are going to be a 7 year old kid in this story, sent to a private school. What will happen there? You'll have to read to find out!

So now I have 3 books. I'm up for the challenge. And some of you are probably thinking. "Didn't you have stress or personal problems? Why are you writing more books?" Writing lets me clear my mind and while I write these stories, I feel like I'm in these stories. I have a very over active imagination that needs somewhere to be free. Writing does that for me and I also draw and dance to allow my feelings to be put into them. And when I get an idea, I put it into words, pictures, or movements. So that's exactly what I'm doing now. I'll be updating this and the Bonnie x Reader more often than the Ask and Dare book and the original story I'm writing. I hope you enjoy and thank you all for sticking around.

Catch you on the flipside,


Nobody's Perfect, But I'm Golden (Golden Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now