Chapter 4: Snow Day

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(A/N) Before the chapter begins, I wanted to show off this amazing cover that someone made for this book. I absolutely love it! The person who made it was @KawaiiSylveon and I wanted to say thanks. So enjoy the cover above made by an amazing person and friend and I am very grateful for it. Anyway, onto the chapter. Talk to you all at the end!


Age: 7


I've spent quite a bit of time at the school. It's been a few months and I've learned a lot. I know how to read a little. It was difficult but Ashley and Gold helped me a lot. Sometimes Gold would even visit during my classes and help me. We played every single day and it was very fun. I always carried Junior with me and Gold was very happy.

Today, Gold was on a field trip with his class to go out and play in the snow. I sat in my room and watched all the other kids play in the snow from my window. I sighed. Nanny told me I couldn't go because I was too young. She said maybe I could go when I'm older. I agreed but it was a little disappointing. I wouldn't have a play date with Gold today. As I sat on the window seat watching everyone, I hugged Junior. Nanny walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder gently.

"I know how upset you are. I know it's not fair. Maybe I can talk to Gavin's teacher and you two can play together in the snow. Would you like that?" she asked. I looked up at her and she smiled down at me. I nodded and smiled back. "I'll be right back okay? I will get Ashley to wait with you until I get back. Don't leave the room, (Y/N)."

With that, Nanny left the room. I smiled and hugged Junior tightly. I'll be able to play with Gold today! I was so excited that I wasn't paying attention to the kids outside. I jumped when I heard a thud on the window and I squeaked a little. I turned towards the window and saw it covered in snow. Did someone throw snow at me? When the snow fell from the window, I saw a boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes holding snow in his hand. He smiled at the window I was looking through and waved. I waved back and he smiled more. I was confused. How did he see me? None of the other kids saw me and I was on a higher floor. The boy turned to another boy and seemed to call him over. I smiled and saw Gold walking towards the brown haired boy. The brown haired boy pointed up at me and waved. Gold looked up and smiled, waving as well. I smiled and waved back. Who was that boy with Gold?

Ashley walked into the room and sat next to me looking out the window.

"You watching the kids?" she asked.

"Yeah. I see Gold and a boy. They were waving to me," I said as I looked out the window. The brown haired boy threw the snow he was holding and it hit the window again, causing me to jump and hug Junior. Ashley laughed a little and waved when she could see through the window. The two boys waved back and smiled.

"The brown haired boy is Gavin's brother, Freddy. See how they look a lot like each other?" Ashley said. I nodded. They did look similar. I wonder if all brothers are like this. The two boys turned and ran to a teacher who was being surrounded by other kids. The teacher began talking and the kids cheered. I was confused as I watched. Nanny was out there and she smiled. She looked up at the window and waved. Ashley and I waved back.  Nanny walked away and through a door that looked like it led to the inside of the building. A few minutes later, Nanny walked into the room, carrying a snow suit, jacket, earmuffs, gloves, and snow boots.

"You'll need to wear this if you go outside. Do you still want to go?" Nanny asked. I nodded and Nanny helped me into the (F/C) jacket, black snow pants, (S/F/C) earmuffs and gloves, and (F/C) snow boots. I felt like a marshmallow. She took my hand and guided me outside. Once outside, I felt cold. Was this what it was like when it snowed? I looked around and saw the kids all looking and smiling at me. Gold took the first step and walked towards me. He hugged me and I hugged back.

"You get to play with all of us today! Isn't that exciting?" he asked, letting go of the hug. I nodded excitedly. He took my hand and guided me over to the other kids. When we were standing in front of the group, I hid behind Gold. I never met so many kids before and I was scared. Gold chuckled a little and squeezed my hand. He looked up at the group of kids and smiled at them.

"This little girl behind me is my friend, (Y/N). She's really shy around people so I want you all to be nice. Let's play!" he said. The kids cheered and started running around in the snow, throwing snow at each other and making things in it. Gold turned and smiled at me.

"What would you like to do?" he asked.

"I don't know," I said. I looked around and pointed to some kids rolling snow around. "Can we do that?"

"Sure. Let's make a snowman. Come on, I'll help you." He took my hand and guided me to an area where the kids weren't. He picked up some snow and began packing it in his hands. He looked up at me and hand me the snow. I looked at it and tilted my head.

"That's a snowball. You start with a small snowball. Then you roll it around in the snow. Like this," he said, making another snowball and rolling it in the snow. I copied him and we eventually had two giant snowballs to make the snowman with. Gold picked up the smaller snowball and placed it on top of the other one. He took two buttons out of his pocket and placed them on the top snowball. Then he took of his scarf and handed it to me. I held the scarf in my hands and looked up at Gold.

"We'll put that around the snowman's neck so he doesn't get cold. I'll help you." Gold went behind me and picked me up. I took the scarf and wrapped it around the snowman's 'neck.' Gold put me down and smiled.

"Did we make a snowman?" I asked.

"Yeah. We made a good snowman."

I smiled and hugged Gold. He hugged back and I noticed his cheeks turned pink. I giggled and he pat my head gently. He took my hand and guided me over to the brown haired boy, Freddy. Freddy looked over at us and smiled.

"Hey Gavin. So this is the girl you've been with?" he asked.

"Yeah. (Y/N), this is my brother, Freddy. He's the same age as me," Gold said.

"Hi," I said in a small voice. I was still afraid to talk to any one since I wasn't comfortable.

"You're cute," Freddy said. I smiled and nodded, unable to talk from my shyness. He laughed a little and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. I hugged back, thinking this was the right thing to do. Freddy let me go and smiled at me. I noticed that Gold and Freddy had the same smile. I giggled a bit. I looked over at Gold and noticed him frown a little. When he noticed me looking at him, he smiled. Was he sad about something? Was the hug not the right thing to do? A teacher blew a whistle and all the kids ran over to her. Freddy and Gold looked over at her. Then, Freddy took my hand and guided me over to the group. I looked back and Gold looked shocked. He began following and took my other hand, squeezing it gently. I was a little confused but I didn't ask any questions. The three of us stood on the outside of the group as the teacher began talking.

"So, now ends out little field trip. I hope you all had fun playing in the snow. We will have another field trip next week so you can play again. And maybe next week, our little friend (Y/N) can join us again. So, line up near the door," the teacher said. The kids ran over to the door and lined up. Freddy looked at them, then down at me, smiling. 

"I'll see you next week, okay?" he said. I nodded and he gave me a side hug before running over to the other kids. I waved as he ran. Gold squeezed my hand a little more. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.

"I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)," he said. He hugged me and kissed my cheek before running off after his brother. I waved again and Nanny took my hand and led me back inside. The class followed us and then went down a different hallway. Nanny brought me back to the room and helped me into my pajamas. She tucked me into bed and read me another story, me helping every once in a while. Soon, I fell asleep, hugging Junior tightly.


(A/N) I like this chapter a lot. I actually wasn't planning on letting Reader-Chan meet others yet, but oh well. Now Reader-Chan might be able to make more friends. Anyway, I want to thank you all for reading and for all the support you have given. I also want to thank @KawaiiSylveon again for making the amazing cover. I might use it for a little bit. Well, that's all I have to say for now. I'll see you all in the next chapter.

Catch you on the flipside,


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