Chapter 5: The Brother

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Today was the day Gold and I would play all day. We would go around the school and he would show me some classrooms. Nanny helped me get dressed and she put my hair into a low bun. I ate breakfast and picked up Junior. Nanny and I walked out of the room and went to the lobby. We waited for Gold and Ricky to meet us but Gold never showed up. Instead, Ricky brought Freddy. I frowned a little when I didn't see Gold.

"Ricky, where is Gavin?" Nanny asked.

"Gavin is sick today and I was told to bring his brother, Freddy, to be with (Y/N)," Ricky said. I looked down and hugged Junior. I was so happy to be able to see Gold all day but now I can't because he is sick. Someone wrapped their arms around me in a hug and I gladly hugged back.

"It's okay, (Y/N). We'll have a lot of fun today. It won't be so bad," Freddy said. He let go and smiled at me. I nodded and managed a small smile. "Come on. I'll show you the classrooms."

Freddy took my hand and started leading me down a hallway. Nanny and Ricky followed us through the hallways and finally we arrived to a classroom. It was a large room with tables and chairs and books all around. There was a colorful rug in front of a white board and a box of toys in a far corner. Freddy led me over to one of the tables and had me sit. He went to the front of the room and picked up some markers.

"I'll be the teacher for today," he said, smiling at me. I giggled and placed Junior in the chair next to me. Freddy began writing a sentence on the board with a blue marker. He pointed to it and looked at me. "Can you read this to me?"

I looked at the sentence and read it aloud:

'Freddy is the best.'

I laughed and Freddy just grinned. He erased the sentence and walked over to me.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked.

"I don't know. Are there any other rooms we can visit?" I asked. Freddy nodded and took my hand again. We walked out of the classroom and down a hallway. Nanny and Ricky continued following us and finally we walked into a new room. There were a bunch of instruments around the room. Freddy let go of my hand and sat in a chair, picking up a small book. I sat next to him and looked at the book. It wasn't a normal book that I usually read. It had small dots and lines with words underneath. Freddy smiled.

"This is a song book. This is what we use to learn songs. See all these dots? Those are notes. Each note has a name and depending on where the notes are on the lines gives the notes their name. When you put a bunch of notes together, you can make a song," he explained. I nodded and looked at the book again. I didn't know how to read the notes. Freddy pointed at the notes and began singing. I looked up at him as he sang. He sounded really good. When he was done, he looked up at me. His electric blue eyes shimmered just like Gold's. 

"Do you wanna try?" he asked, placing the book on my lap. I looked down at the book, confused. I didn't know how I could read, or sing. I shook my head and Freddy sighed. "Okay. Maybe some other time."

He took the book and placed it down on another chair. He began walking around the room, singing a song. I followed Freddy and we began laughing afterwards. Nanny and Ricky smiled at us both and Ricky whispered something to Nanny. Nanny nodded and turned to Freddy and I.

"Do you two want to visit Gavin and say hello?" she asked.

"Can we?" I asked, smiling. I nodded excitedly. Freddy shrugged and nodded as well. Nanny and Ricky led us out of the music room and we went to Freddy and Gold's room. They shared a room since they were brothers and it would save space. Ricky showed us to a smaller room where we saw Gold sitting up in bed, reading a book. He looked up and smiled slightly, placing the book in his lap. He was paler than normal and his nose was a little red. His hair was messy and his dark blue eyes seemed a little dull. They no longer sparkled and shimmered. I climbed onto the bed and sat next to him, hugging him.

"Hi, (Y/N). You probably shouldn't hug me. You'll get sick too," he said. I shook my head.

"I missed you and I don't care. Hugs will make you feel better," I said, looking at him, smiling. He smiled back. Freddy sat on the other side of his brother.

"So, you were with (Y/N) today?" Gold asked Freddy. Freddy nodded.

"She's really fun to be with. No wonder you're always so happy after you have your play dates," Freddy said. I giggled. We all talked a bit and Gold frowned a bit.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Where's Junior?" he asked. 

"Oh no! I left him in the classroom! I'm sorry, Gold."

"It's alright. You'll get him later." Gold smiled and hugged me. I hugged back.

"(Y/N), it's time to go. Say goodbye," Nanny said. I nodded and said goodbye to Gold and Freddy, giving each of them a hug. When no one was looking, I kissed Gold's cheek and left the room with Nanny, waving to Freddy and Gold. They waved back and I noticed Gold's face was a light pink. I smiled and Nanny and I went back to our room. It was night time so I got ready for bed. I pretended to sleep until I knew Nanny was asleep. I snuck out of our room and went back to the classroom to find Junior wasn't there. I looked everywhere but I just couldn't find him. I was about to leave when I saw someone standing in the doorway, holding Junior. I smiled.

"I think I found Junior," Gold said, walking towards me and handing Junior to me. I nodded and hugged Junior tightly, then wrapped my arms around Gold. He returned the hug. I began falling asleep in his arms. Gold picked me up and carried me back to my room. Nanny took me and put me back to bed. I looked over and saw Nanny was setting up an air mattress and Gold lied down, falling asleep immediately. I smiled and when Nanny left, I crawled out of bed and lied down next to Gold. I put Junior between the two of us and slowly fell asleep. 


Heyo Balloons! So while writing this chapter, I got distracted because a spider was crawling on my wall and I am extremely terrified of spiders so I spent about an hour trying to kill it and I finally did... Yeah... Spiders are meanies... Anyways, this chapter is done and I like it. Yay! 

Catch you on the flipside,


Nobody's Perfect, But I'm Golden (Golden Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now