Chapter 2: First Class

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The next day, I woke up and the sun was shining through the window. I climbed out of bed and sat in front of the window. I always liked looking at the morning sun as it slowly rose from the horizon. Sometimes Mommy would wake me up and we would watch the sun rise together. I miss Mommy and Daddy.

Nanny walked into my room and smiled at me. I waved to her and smiled back. She began getting my clothes ready and helped me get dressed. I sat on my bed, facing the dull wall. I remember at home I used to have a poster of a cartoon-y ballerina. Whenever Mommy brushed my hair, I would stare at the poster and it brought comfort to me. Nanny brushed my hair and she was gentle.

"Nanny, can we get a poster for the wall?" I asked.

"Sure. What kind of poster would you like?" she responded.

"One with a ballerina."

"Maybe later today we can go to Ms. Nina and see what she can make. She makes very beautiful drawings and sometimes makes things for other students."

"There are other students?"

"Yes. You won't meet them quite yet though. For now, you will have play dates with Gavin. When you're older, you can meet the others. Is that okay?"


I smiled. I didn't know any other students were here. Are all schools like this one? Nanny finished brushing my hair so there were no more tangles. She decided to tie up my hair into low pigtails. She brought me to a mirror to show me what I looked like and I smiled. I liked my hair this way. Maybe Nanny can do my hair this way all the time. Nanny brought me to a table just for me in my room and I sat down. She walked into another room and came back bringing a tray. She placed the tray in front of me. There was an apple cut into slices, a glass of water, and some cereal. I ate the cereal and picked up one apple slice. I held it in front of my mouth so it looked like I was smiling. Nanny smiled and told me to eat. I ate the apple slices and drank the water. Nanny brought the tray back and smiled at me.

"Let's go. You are going to your first class today. It'll be fun," Nanny said. She took my hand and together, we walked out of the room and down the hall. On the way, we saw Gavin. I waved to him and he waved back, smiling. He approached me and Nanny. Nanny let go of my hand and began talking to the man who was with Gavin yesterday.

"Hi, (Y/N)," Gavin said.

"Hi," I replied.

"How are you doing today?"

"I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm good, thank you. Where are you going today?"

"I have my first class."

"Great! Maybe you can tell me about it when we have our play date." I nodded and smiled.

"Gavin, do you have class today?"


"Have you met the other students?"

"Yeah. I have classes with others."

"Really? I can't meet anyone until I'm older."

Gavin hugged me and I hugged back.

"It's okay. You'll meet the others one day. For now you have me. I'll be like your big brother."

"What's a brother?"

"A brother is another family member. A brother is a boy child in a family."

"I've never had a brother."

"I have one. He's the same age as me."

"Can you tell me about him? What's it like to have a brother?"

"(Y/N), it's time to go. You two will have plenty of time to chat and play later," Nanny said. I nodded. I looked up at Gavin and he smiled down at me. He opened his arms out and I knew it was time for a goodbye hug. I wrapped my tiny arms around him and he hugged me back.

"I'll see you later, (Y/N). I'll tell you all about my brother and my classes if you tell me about your first class," Gavin said, letting go of the hug. I nodded. Nanny took my hand and began leading me down the hall again. I looked back and waved at Gavin. He waved back and started walking the other way with the man. Is that man his Nanny? I'll ask him later. Nanny and I stopped in front of a door and another woman opened it. She smiled down at me. We walked into the room and Nanny brought me to another table just for me. Nanny sat in a chair right behind me and the other woman sat on the floor beside me while I sat in a green chair.

"Hello, (Y/N). I'm Ashley. I'll be your teacher for your first class. Are you excited?" the woman asked with a smile. I nodded. "Great! Today we will be doing some simple tasks to see how much you already know. How about we begin with some colors?"

Ashley brought out some different colored blocks and placed them in front of me. They were in no specific order and I stared at them. Ashley picked up a block.

"Can you tell me what color this one is?" she asked.

"Blue," I said.

"Good job!" She put the block down and picked up another. "How about this one?"



She kept picking up blocks and asking me what color they were. I got them all right. She asked me what a rainbow was. I didn't know how to explain it so I took the blocks and placed them in the correct order to form a rainbow of blocks. Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Purple. I was praised again. Ashley took the blocks and put them away. She took a book from a shelf and brought it to me. It was placed in front of me.

"Now we are going to read a story. Instead of me reading to you, you are going to read to me," she said. I tilted my head. I didn't know how to read. Mommy and Daddy never taught me. "Do you know how to read?"

I looked at the book. I saw letters but I had no idea what it said. There was a picture of a rabbit stuffed animal. I shook my head.

"Oh dear. Well then, we'll save this story for later then. We will begin learning how to read tomorrow when you have your next class. How about we move onto drawing?" Ashley took the book and placed it back on the shelf. She brought some blank paper and some crayons and placed them in front of me. I picked up a purple crayon and looked at it.

"Can you draw the sun for me?" Ashley asked. I put the purple crayon down and picked up the yellow one. I drew a circle and made a swirl inside. I took the orange crayon and made another swirl inside the circle next to the yellow one. I alternated between the two colors and made squiggle lines on the outside. Ashley smiled. She told me to draw a few more things and I drew them on the papers. When I was done, Ashley took the drawings and pinned them up on a board.

"You did a good job today, (Y/N)! I'm very proud of you. Tomorrow we will start teaching you how to read. Then, when you're a little better, we can read that story together," Ashley said, hugging me. I hugged back.

"Can I read with Gavin?" I asked.

"Gavin?" Ashley looked up at Nanny.

"She has a friend named Gavin. He is in the regular classes. They will be having a play date after this. You may join us if you'd like," Nanny said.

"I think I will. If it makes you happy, we can invite him to read when you're a good reader." I smiled.

"Thank you, Ashley," I said. Nanny got up from her seat and stood by me.

"Let's go to the play date. You can ask Gavin if he wants to read with you when you get better at it," Nanny said. She took my hand and began leading me towards the play date room. Ashley walked with us, talking to Nanny. I couldn't wait to talk to Gavin about my first class and about his brother and classes. Today was going to be a fun day. I could feel it. I think Mommy and Daddy would be proud of me. I'm learning a lot and I'm doing well in the outside. I hope Mommy and Daddy are okay back home. I hope they are taking care of Timothy and Vivian too.

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