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Gold's POV

It's been three months since (Y/N) disappeared and I started thinking the worst. Maybe she's dead... No. She's alive. She has to be. It was so simple, but so complicated. I have an idea of who took her but no one will listen...

Life has been difficult... Knowing my girlfriend is out there with some asshole... Who knows what they've done to her... I'm expecting the worst, but I'm hoping I'm wrong.

I sit on the couch in the living room, the same place where she apparently was kidnapped... I remember it like it was yesterday... I woke up and saw (Y/N) wasn't in bed with me. I searched the whole house before finding her necklace on the couch... I knew something was wrong and I immediately called the cops... And here we are today, looking and failing to find my beloved (Y/N)...

"Hey, Gavin. We'll find her, alright?" Freddy said, sitting next to me.

"What if she's dead? What if we never find her..." I asked.

"We'll find her alive and well. Have faith, Brother."

I nod. Freddy hugged me and I broke down in tears. It hurt me bad, not having the love of my life next to me. I don't know how much longer I can take it...


(A/N) Aaaaand that's the end of this book. I wasn't planning on ending it this way, but don't worry. There will be a sequel. I couldn't leave you guys hanging like this. I got you. There will be a sequel, definitely, and it'll be... cool, I guess. So, hope you enjoyed this book. It was really fun to write. I loved reading all your comments, especially about who you think the kidnapper is.

But I'm saying nothing. ;)

Anyway, for the last time in this book...

Catch you on the flipside,

Nobody's Perfect, But I'm Golden (Golden Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now