Chapter 11: The Power

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Age: 14


I walked down the hall to meet Gold in the playroom we used to go to. He said he wanted to see if the house we built out of blocks was still there since no one really went in that playroom anymore and we never took it down. I was happy. We've been dating for more than a year and he even began learning how to drive. Unfortunately, he'll be leaving in two years.

The rules at this school were that you would graduate and leave when you turn 18. No exceptions. Some people were so good that they stayed to become teachers but Gold said he didn't want to do that. And when he leaves, so will Freddy and Bonnie. I'll be all alone. I sighed, walking into the playroom to see Gold sitting inside the block house.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked, walking over to me. I just hugged him, not saying a word. I wanted to enjoy the time we have. It's still two years away, but my heart aches when I realize two years is a short amount of time.

"I don't want you to leave," I say.

"Oh, two years... There's still plenty of time for us to be together and when you graduate, we'll get back together. Easy."

"Gold, what if something happens and we can't be together?"

"Nothing will happen. I promise."

I closed my eyes and enjoy the moment we have together. I feel Gold hug me tighter and caress my cheek. I open my eyes and look up at him. He has a concerned look.

"Don't cry," he says, worry laced in his voice. That's when I relaize I was crying. I didn't want to lose Gold like I lost my parents.

"Don't leave me!" I cry out.

"(Y/N), calm down. I'm not leaving any time soon. I'll be by your side no matter what happens. And I'll visit you every day that I can after I leave this school."

Gold lightly kisses me and it calms me down. He always knew just what to do. He looked into my eyes and smiled slightly.

"You still have Junior, even after all these years. Remember what I said when I first gave him to you?"

"If I miss you, hug Junior," I say softly.

"Right. You can still do that. You may be 14, but having a stuffed animal isn't all that bad. It comforts you when you need it."

I nod and stay quiet. He's right. Junior will be there to comfort me in depressing times, just like Gold is now. Gold will always be there for me, whether he is actually there or not.

I smiled and looked up. His eyes lit up quite a bit since we were little, he looks more mature, and he looked so cool. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he pet my head.

"You are just too dang cute," he says.

"Stop it, you'll mess up my hair," I say, giggling.

"Since when did you ever care about what your hair looked like?!"

"Since now!"

We both started laughing. We looked into each other's eyes, smiling and enjoying the moment. Gold began leaning in to kiss me when...

"HELLO WORLD AND ALL WHO INHABIT IT!" Freddy yelled, barging into the room. I jumped and backed away.

"Freddy! I'm going to hug you to death!" Gold yelled, charging toward Freddy as Freddy ran away. Bonnie walked in and rolled his eyes.

"I swear, these two brothers will never change," he says.

"Yeah. It's nice though. I've never had any siblings so it's interesting to see how they act," I say.

"Same with me."

"I did have two friends though, Timothy and Vivian. They were the best friends ever. Timothy was shy but very caring and Vivan was brave and protective. They always madr sure I was happy. I remember one time Vivian stole a doll from the store for me because I saw it in a magazine... No one even knew she stole it either."


"She was only visible to me and my parents."

Bonnie looked at me, shocked.

"Wait, you... can create things... that exist but don't?!" He asks. I nod.

"It's why I'm here. So I would be safe. I figured it out a few years ago when I created a robot named 4.2 and no one else could see him. They exist in a different dimension, and I just pull them out to join me. When I don't need them anymore, I put them back where they belong. I never was able to put Timothy and Vivian back so I hope they found their way back."

"That's really cool. I can't believe you never talked about this before."

"It's something I'm not too proud of either. It's not normal. I'm kinda glad my parents kept me away from society."

Bonnie nods as Gold and Freddy run towards us. I get glomped by Gold while Bonnie gets tackled to the floor by Freddy.

"Keep it PG, you two," Gold said, chuckling.

Bonnie blushed and shoved Freddy off him, sitting up. I giggled as Freddy hugged Bonnie.

"You love me," Freddy said.

"Whatever," Bonnie muttered, looking away.

Gold snuck a small kiss from me and we all hung out in the play room. We messed with the train set that still worked. Gold remembered the button functions however I couldn't figure it out.

It was a perfect day...

Nobody's Perfect, But I'm Golden (Golden Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now