Chapter 3: The Golden Boy

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We got to the room where Gavin and I would have our play date. Gavin wasn't there yet, but there were a few boxes full of colorful building blocks. The train set was still in the room too. I decided to play with the train while I waited. I took the remote in my hands and pressed the green button. The train started moving and I smiled. I pressed another button to make the tracks change and the train went up a small hill instead of taking a turn. I watched the train go around the track a few times. Nanny and Ashley were chatting behind me. I heard a little bit of their conversation.

"She should be playing with other children. By playing by herself she isn't getting the social skills she needs," Ashley said.

"Unfortunately her parents gave us specific instructions. We must follow them," Nanny said.

"Why did her parents leave her here anyway? And why did they keep her away from the rest of the world?"

"She is special. Different from other children. Any interaction with others that is not supervised will result in (Y/N)'s decrease in mood and possibly harm to her. And," Nanny began, then whispered. I didn't hear what she said, but I looked back at them and saw Ashley cover her mouth and look at me with sorrowful eyes. I turned back to the train set and continued to play. What about my parents? I wish I knew what they were talking about.

"(Y/N)!" a voice said. I turned around and saw Gavin walking towards me. He was smiling and his eyes shimmered.

"Hi Gavin," I said. I stopped the train and ran over to him, hugging him.

"Are you ready to build a house?"

"Yeah!" I smiled. We went over to the boxes of building blocks and began stacking the blocks. Each row of blocks was the same color. Eventually we made a house of the blocks and the man Gavin is usually with helped us put a blanket over the top for a roof. Gavin and I sat inside the house.

"So how was your first class?" Gavin asked.

"It was fun. I had to make a rainbow out of colored blocks and draw pictures and tomorrow I am going to learn how to read," I said, smiling.

"That's great! You'll definitely learn a lot and I'm sure you're a good student."

"Yeah. Maybe when I get better at reading, we can read a story together."

"That sounds like a good idea. I would like to do that."

I smiled and we talked about a few more things. Gavin explained that his learning was more advanced and most of his classes involved music. He talked about how he and his brother take the same classes and sing together. I never knew Gavin had a brother so much like him. It must be nice to have a brother. Maybe when I get home, Timothy can be my brother.

After talking, we decided to play house. I would be the mommy and Gavin was the daddy. We found some dolls in the boxes and pretended we were a big happy family. It was fun. Finally, it was time to head back to our rooms. Ashley, Nanny, and Ricky, the man who was with Gavin, left the room and I started following but Gavin stopped me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Well, there's one more thing that I want to do," Gavin said, smiling.

"Okay." Gavin took a step towards me and placed a small kiss on my cheek. When he stepped back, I tilted my head, confused.

"A mommy and daddy always do that. When they say hello, when they say goodbye, or anytime." Gavin smiled more as he spoke. I nodded. Gavin started walking past me when I stopped him and kissed his cheek. His face turned pink and he chuckled nervously. I don't know why he was doing that. Gavin took my hand and we walked out of the room together. We ran up to the three adults and we all walked together. We arrived at Gavin's room and we were saying goodbye. I frowned a bit since I wanted to play some more.

"Is something wrong, (Y/N)?" Ashley asked, kneeling down to my height. I nodded.

"I want to play with Gavin some more," I said. Gavin walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged back tightly, not wanting to let go. He was my first and only real friend. I didn't want to leave.

"We'll play some more tomorrow. And maybe I can even help you to read while we play. We'll have lots of fun, (Y/N)," Gavin said, hugging me tighter.

"I don't wanna leave though." Gavin let me go and looked at me. He smiled and told me to wait. He ran into his room with Ricky and after a few minutes, he came back holding a teddy bear. He held out the teddy bear to me.

"Here. It's my favorite toy but I want you to have him. Whenever you feel lonely or upset, you can hug him and pretend it's me," Gavin said. I held the teddy bear and hugged it. I looked up at Gavin and hugged him tightly with one arm.

"Thank you! I'll make sure to take good care of it. Does he have a name?" I asked.

"I always called him Gold because of his yellow color but you can rename him if you want." I shook my head.

"He reminds me of you. You're both yellow, you know, with your hair and the yellow bear. Can I call you Gold?"

"Sure. Then the bear can be Gold Junior." We both laughed.

"It's just like when we played house. I'm the mommy, you're the daddy, and Gold Junior is the baby."

"Right. Well, I think you need to go. I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)."

We hugged one last time for the day and I watched him go into his room. Nanny took my hand and began leading me away. Ashley followed and talked to Nanny on the way. When we got to our room, Ashley said good bye and left. Nanny and I walked into our room and she began to prepare supper. She told me to play in my room so I did. I never let Junior go. I hugged the small bear tightly and pretended I was hugging Gold. I pretended that I could still see him smiling at me. Nanny called me to eat my supper and I did. After supper, she helped me get ready for bed. She braided my hair for the night and tucked me in. I held Junior close as I began to drift off to sleep. Nanny read me a bed time story but she never finished because I had got on the train to Dream Land.

Nobody's Perfect, But I'm Golden (Golden Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now