Chapter 7: School Break

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Age: 11

After so many weeks of school, we all finally get a break. Every spring we get one but it's always something I look forward to. Gold and I hang out almost every day. It's actually really fun. Sure, we have some fights, but all good friends fight every once in a while, right? He turned 13 a few days ago. He had a small birthday party. I was invited and I was by his side for the most part. 

Today I was sitting at the small table in my room, drawing some pictures. I actually moved to a different room. It was across the hall from Gold's since Nanny had to leave more often and Ricky would watch me and Gold during those times. This time was one of those times.

"(Y/N), I need to leave for a meeting. Why don't you go across the hall and hang out with Gavin and Freddy?" she said. I nodded and got up, leaving my drawing where it was. Nanny walked me over and then left. Ricky let me into the room and Gold and Freddy were sitting on the floor, singing. Their voices sounded good together. I sat next to them and they stopped singing, smiling and each giving me a hug. 

"Hey, (Y/N). How's it going?" Gold asked.

"It's going well. How about with you?" I ask.

"It's going well as well. So, what do you wanna do?"

"Not sure. Any ideas Fredbear?" I gave Freddy a nickname a few weeks ago and he seemed to like it.

"Nope. Fredbear doesn't have any good ideas," Freddy said.

"Fredbear, Gold, and (Y/N) don't have any ideas," I say.

"Why are Fredbear and (Y/N) talking in third person?" Gold asked.

"(Y/N) doesn't know," I say.

"Fredbear says follow Fredbear," Freddy said, getting up and walking around the room. Gold and I got up and followed him for some reason. We had no idea what was going on, but we followed anyway. We kept talking in third person too. Eventually we all sat back down, laughing.

"Sometimes I wonder what goes on in your head, (Y/N)," Gold said.

"Me too," I replied.

"Well, Ricky told us he's letting us roam the building as long as we come back by 3. That leaves us about 5 hours and 17 minutes. Where should we go?" Freddy asked.

"Music room!" Gold exclaims.

Freddy and I agreed and the three of us walked out of the room. We made our way to the music room and Freddy and Gold found some books to look through. I sat at the piano and began playing whatever was sitting on the piano stand thing... No idea what it's called. One day, Ashley saw how bored I was in class and she decided to take me to the music room. She sat me at a piano and taught me how to play. Ever since, she's given me sheet music that I keep in a binder back in my room. Occasionally Ashley will ask me to play something for the class whenever we are in the music room, which is quite often. The class, after playing piano for the first time for them, all wanted to be my friends and I never had to come up with a new friend to play with. I never had any other troubles with other students wanting to hurt my feelings or be mean to me.

While playing, I hadn't realized that Gold had moved behind me and was looking over my shoulder to look at the music I was playing. I felt him put his hand on my shoulder and he pointed at a note.

"This is supposed to be a sharp. It sounds weird if you don't play it," he said, sitting next to me and playing that specific part. It did sound better. I tried and nodded.

"Thanks, Goldie!" I say, giving him a hug.

"No problem, (N/N)!" he replies with the same enthusiasm as me. I laugh a little. Freddy looked over at us and rolled his eyes. 

"Alright children, let's get going. We can go to the arcade and play some games," he said.

"Alright Fredbear!" I exclaimed, hopping up and running out of the music room. "Race ya!"

"No fair!" Gold said, running after me. I heard him and Freddy right behind me. I wasn't fast at all, but they seemed to have slowed down so I could win the race. We got to the arcade and went over to one game we always played: Pac-Man. Sure it was a retro game, but we enjoyed trying to get the highest score. Today was Freddy's turn to play first. We played the game for about 3 hours. Not boring at all.

"I'm done for today," Gold said.

"Okay. We have one more hour. Maybe go back to the room and just talk or something?" I suggested.

"Alright, (N/N)," Freddy said. We went back to the twin's room and sat on the floor again. We began talking about random things, such as video games and classes. We kept talking and talking and just being children. After a while, Ricky and Nanny came back. They talked for a few minutes, then Nanny told me we had to go. I gave Gold and Freddy a hug and left with Nanny. Today was a fun break day and we promised to hang out for the entire break. It was going to be awesome. 

Nobody's Perfect, But I'm Golden (Golden Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now