Chapter 6: Classrooms

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Age: 9

I've been at this school for 2 years now. Gavin and I stopped having play dates. I miss him a lot. He was my first friend and now I never see him anymore. I still had Junior, but I didn't bring him everywhere with my. Nanny told me not to. I have matured a little more as well and I'm a few years ahead in reading. Ashley has been my teacher ever since the first class and Nanny actually leaves me alone during our classes. I like it because sometimes Ashley doesn't teach me anything. She just talks to me. I've grown attached to her and I'm grateful. I told her about how I miss Gavin and she knew exactly how I felt. Apparently, she had a friend like Gavin but he died and she never saw him again. I started crying when she told me that, but she said she saw Gavin and his brother walking in the hallways. At least he was still around somewhere. 

Currently, I was in the classroom and Nanny stayed for once. Ashley wasn't there yet. Nanny had me read one of the books Ashley had in the classroom. It was the same book I was supposed to read when I first came here, but I had no idea how to read. I smiled. I hadn't read this one in a year. It was my favorite. While I was reading, Ashley walked into the room. She smiled.

"(Y/N), you will no longer have classes on your own. Starting now, you'll be put in a classroom. I'll still be your teacher, though, so no worries there," she said. I nodded and reluctantly put the book away. Ashley, Nanny, and I walked out of the classroom I was accustomed to. We walked through the hallways and finally made it to a classroom. Nanny waved goodbye and left. Ashley walked into the classroom and I followed. There were a bunch of kids, sitting at tables and talking to one another. They were drawing and playing with crayons, markers, and papers. Ashley told me to go sit at a table where there was an empty seat. I walked over to the table and the kids all turned to look at me. They smiled and said hello, then went back to what they were doing. They seemed older than me. I sat down and took a piece of paper and a pencil. I began drawing when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up and the kid next to me pointed to a boy sitting across from me. I turned to see the familiar golden hair and dark blue eyes.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Gavin said, smiling.

"Hi, Gold!" I exclaimed. The kids at the table with us giggled. I looked at them confused and Gavin shook his head.

"Don't call me that please. I don't like that nickname anymore."

"Oh. I'm sorry." I frowned and went back to my drawing. He changed. He wasn't Gold. He was Gavin. A different Gavin. He laughed and talked with his friends at the table and I just sat there, quietly drawing. I was pretty good at drawing. Ashley taught me how to draw cartoon characters and realistic animals. It was fun to learn. 

"Hey, you're a pretty good drawer," a boy next to me said. I looked up and he took my drawing to look at it. He then ripped it in half. "Whoops! Looks like it got ruined."

"Why did you do that?" I asked, frowning.

"I didn't do it. It was the drawing you drew. It didn't want to be around anymore." The kid laughed. The kids at the table joined him. Even Gavin...

"Oh, look! She's gonna cry!"

"This is why little kids don't join the big kid classes!"

I looked down, trying to ignore them. Then, I heard a very familiar voice.

"She's such a baby."

Gavin.. Why...

I quickly got up from my seat and went to an empty table. Ashley was talking to another teacher and didn't seem to notice. I'll have to talk to her about it later. That was... Those kids... They were mean. I'd never met anyone mean before. And to think, my best friend joined them. I took another piece of paper from the middle of the table and began writing. Ashley taught me how to write poetry. She gave me a bunch of poetry books to read and I did. I wrote:

Sitting alone at a table,

All alone without any friends,

Do those kids really matter?

Sad... How I felt... 

"DoN't Be SaD," someone said. I looked up and saw a robot sitting at the table with me. I smiled. I knew why I was considered special. This robot was the way I found out.

"What's your name?" I asked. A bunch of kids turned towards me and gave me a weird look. They couldn't see the robot. But I could.

"I'm 4.2. WaNt To Be FrIeNdS?" I nodded. 4.2 seemed to smile and he picked up a pencil and drew on a piece of paper. I smiled and went back to my drawing. 4.2 and I talked and laughed a little. All the other kids kept looking at me weirdly, but I didn't care. If no one wanted to be my friends, I'd make them up myself.

Ashley walked over to my table and sat down next to 4.2. She smiled and waved to him, then turned to me. 

"(Y/N), why aren't you sitting with Gavin and his friends?" she asked.

"They were mean to me so I moved. I have my own friends anyway," I say, smiling.

"Are you sure?" I nod. Ashley nods and goes back to the front of the classroom. She begins teaching and I pay attention. The bell rang and the kids left the classroom. I stayed and waited for Nanny. Gavin stayed behind as well and he walked up to me, looking down.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be mean to you. I was just with my friends and they make fun of me because of the nickname you gave me," he says. "Can you forgive me?"

I nod and hug him. He hugs back. 4.2 disappeared after we hugged, but I didn't care. I had my friend back.

"So, how was your first real class?" he asked.

"It was fun. Do you think you can sit at my table next time?" I ask.

"Sure. My brother can too since he he's in the same class. How's that sound?"

"Good! I can't wait!"


Heyo Balloons! So another update! Yay! For some reason I was getting confused in this chapter, but then I got through it. Oh well.

Catch you on the flipside,


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