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I still hated myself for letting Danielle go through this. when I had the power to stop her, but she's also a very stubborn person she wasn't going to listen.

School was the last thing on my mind since I could care less about my grades. when guilt was eating me alive. Danielle wasn't quite the same  since this all happened. she was quiet barely smiled and just clinged to my arm half the time.

I kept getting the same anonymous calls and I hated keeping it a secret but they specifically said not to tell anyone or they would make me disappear and I don't want to leave Danielle alone and I also don't want to die. 

"Minji are you ok? I've been trying to talk to you and the other girls but they don't give me answers" hyein asked a bit perplexed about the lack of communication happening between the whole friend group  "it's very complicated all you need to know that it's about danielle" I said as I walked alongside her "she seems to have a problem every other day" hyein huffed "not to be rude but you don't know her enough to come to that conclusion. I'll admit that she's very emotionally attached to people." I explained in a harsh tone 

"ok, ok damn I was just saying that she's a bit emotional. I wasn't trying to personally attack her. but you seem a little protective these days. may I know what happened?" hyein asked intrigue filling her voice once more "long story short, I met with again Danielle's parents  they hated me from the start. they are very homophobic so they kicked out there child for dating me. Now they are now threatening to hurt me. There is that what you want to hear so badly?" I said speeding up my voice to get it over with "woah, I'm actually so sorry that I almost called her dramatic this is honestly crazy" she apologized in a voice that didn't feel sincere but I know she meant it

"So what do you mean that you almost called my amazing girlfriend, dramatic?" I  joked hyein laughed "In my defense I didn't know the whole story"               "fair enough" we continued laughing until we got to class

When we got to class we saw haerin, hanni, and Danielle sitting together I was confused since I had zero classes with either haerin or hanni "what is going on?" I asked as I sat next to Danielle "we decided to switch classes!  we asked hyein to help.  Turns out she's great at threatening, I mean convincing teachers." Hanni said smiling cheekily, I rolled my eyes. "what for?" I asked this time earning a groan from them. "I don't want to explain but you're gonna keep asking anyway. it's because we were tired of missing entire plans and conversation that happen between you two, like we're still friends." Hanni explained

"I was actually forced...I don't actually care" haerin added making both hanni and hyein side eye her "ignore my lovely girl friend here, she is just trying to hide her feelings" hanni said in a condescending tone "right" haerin said unenthusiasticaly but still reaching out to grab hanni's hand  their relationship is what I want to have with Danielle  but life just makes it impossible "how about you guys come to my house? Danielle you can sleepover" I asked "are you sure? you usually don't host anything at your house." haerin said skeptically "yes I'm sure" I stated hyein and hanni agreed and haerin just nodded Danielle kept quiet  I decided to leave the conversation for later since class was starting


Danielle pov

I want to go to minji's house but I don't want her to feel like she has to take care of me I put myself in this situation and I'm going to get out of it one way or another and my parents can't do anything to stop me or maybe they can I'm just one person and if it weren't for my friends and girlfriend I'd be on the streets

Suddenly I felt a light  tap on my shoulder that snapped me out of my thoughts now I could see and hear the outside world "they're asking you a question." minji whispered "come on miss Marsh answer the question. what's the answer to number 1?" Mr.Lee asked in an annoyed tone "3" I said as it was fist thing to pop into my head "miss marsh this is history" he told me a little more confused than I was about my answer "oh uhm sorry" I apologized the whole class laughed uncontrollably my friends and minji didn't but I could tell they were suppressing the urge to burst out into laughter 

After class minji pulled me away from the rest of the group since we all had a free period "Danielle are you coming or not?" Minji asked as we walked I still didn't have an answer so I acted dumb "to where?" I inquired "to my house, were you zoned out the entire time?" She asked me, this time I couldn't act dumber or it would be obvious to her that I was avoiding the question she knows me to well "I don't know minji... Right now I feel like a burden to everyone around me so sleeping at your house is like taking advantage of you." I confessed minji looked into my eyes for a few seconds. "you'll never be a burden to me or to anyone around you if someone makes you feel that then it's their loss" she told as she wrapped me in a hug 


Haerin's pov

"What was the point of switching classes if they're still going to whisper the important stuff between themselves" I said as I looked over to Danielle and minji talking far away from us so we couldn't hear"to be fair none of them were too excited to see us meddling in their business" hyein added "well then, at least we tried they'll need  us eventually" hanni told us and we agreed 

We went to the library obviously knowing that the secretive couple were gonna be there. we saw sitting together being very lovey dovey. I strengthened my grip on hanni's hand not because I was jealous  just because I thought I could do better. We all sat there staring at each other "what is it? What is it that you guys want?" Minji asked "so we're not aloud to sit here and stare at our friends?" Hanni asked I nodded in agreement "no? It's creepy" Danielle finally spoke "we just want to know what's going on and we know y'all are a couple and keep secrets between you two but we were your best friends so I guess we're just accustomed to being told everything " I said surprising everyone at the table that I actually said what was on my mind  "now that I think of it you guys are right we will try tell you guys the important things" minji said with a light smile


Minji pov

I was driving home from school when I got a phone call from the anonymous number I answered it


"We want you to drive to this address************** you're gonna pay for destroying our daughters chances of going  to heaven and marrying a strong man"

I almost laughed at their desperation when it came to their daughter making her own decisions but knowing the situation I kept quiet

"You can't bring anyone just yourself"


To be continued.....

A\N : sorry for not updating I've been lazy but I'll try to be consistent with the uploading of the next chapters hopefully y'all enjoyed this cliff hanger<3 also I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes or missing words I'm very forgetful

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