thats very naughty

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The story start as we see MK3 aquatic or MK3A for short is currently being fix because his arm is ripped out so MK4 make him a new arm but without the toxic, MK3A look to his right and see his body is being fix by the "insect" he called.

MK3A is currently being guarded by Apex Eradicator and MK3H are currently stand beside him with MK3H just look at MK3A and Apex Eradicator just point his bazooka towards MK3A.

MK3A: "Can you guys leave?"

MK3H: "AND let you use your shriek to make someone deaf? Hell no! That is why me and Apex are watching you so you dont hurt everyone else."

MK3A just look at Apex Eradicator and realized Apex Eradicator apperance is almost the same like Apex Predator but the head is replace by the Eradicator head with a red eye infront of it and a logo of GDA is currently on his right side of his chest.

MK3A: "so, you too huh?"

MK3H: "he doesnt speak, he is very royal to MK4 to the point he will obly talk to MK4 as he sees him as his 'creator'"

MK3A: "why you guys are evn fixing me? Shouldn't you guys punish me for capturing that 'thing', kill everyone on the oil rig and damage MK1?"

MK3H: "We have some plan for you but right now we must get you fix"

MK3A: "if you guys wanna-"

MK3H: "we dont want you to work with us but rather we want you to stop attacking us even the GDA"

MK3A: "why should i? They're the reason i got kill!"

MK3H: "i dont know but im not the one who order you to do it"

MK3A just let out a loud shriek that made MK3H to put his hand on his head while Apex Eradicator just punch MK3A and stop the shriek.

MK3H: "ow... My ears, how the hell can i be damage from your shriek while Apex not?"

Mk3A: "this is not over!"

MK3A then broke free from his chains before slashing at Apex Eradicator head and just dodge a incoming acid from MK3H cannon, MK3A then got up before he was then grab by Apex Eradicator and get thrown to a nearby wall. MK3A just let out a shriek that cause MK3H to cover his head and Apex Eradicator just fire his laser towards MK3A.

MK3A then dodge the laser that hit the wall beside him before he just started running towards Apex Eradicator, Apex Eradicator just slam his axe at MK3A but he dodges it and jump at Apex Eradicator head before kept slashing the head and damage his robot eye.

Apex Predator soon grab MK3A and throw him before he started look around, MK3A then started running towards him before he was then tackle by Hunter-X and they both land on the floor. Hunter X then punches at MK3A head and MK3A soon equip his blade before piercing Hunter-X head as he throw him to a nearby wall.

He then look around to see Apex Eradicator is touching a wall and Hunter-X is lying on the floor while leaking some oil, MK3H then grab his shoulder before facing towards him as he punch MK3A head and his visor is crack. MK3H then aim towards his cannon at MK3A but soon metal liquid suddenly appear at his left leg before he was dragged by the liquid. MK3H dragged by the liquid while bumping into some boxes and wall as the liquid kept dragging him into things that crashes at MK3H.

MK3A then get up before he reach to a metal door and press the button beside as the door open but soon stop at a tall figure infront of him and that is MK5.

MK5: "..."

MK3A: "... No hard feeling?"

MK5 then punch MK3A stomach before he grab his head and slam him to a nearby wall for many times before he grab his leg and arm as he lifted him above him while he let out a shriek to drop him but MK5 is currently playing some music on his head and does not listen to MK3A shriek.

Eradicator MK1 In Aeromorph World  (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now