Pt. 7

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"Okay, just ... Be careful this dinosaur can be quite... Unpredictable." Claire said as she held the door open for her nephews.

"What do you mean Unpredictable" Zack said as he air quoted the word Unpredictable.

"It can be quite aggressive, and we currently need to find what all it is capable of doing, for example, it has camouflage." Claire said as she went inside the observation deck with the boys. As Claire looked up, she saw Owen Grady standing there observing the monitors, more specifically a monitor that showed a large claw mark on the wall of the enclosure.

"What do you want?" Owen asked as Claire frowned at him.

"I'm showing my nephews, Zack and Greg, our Megaraptor." Claire said as Owen frowned and glared at Claire.

"Are you fucking serious? Bringing kids here. This is a dangerous animal Claire, not some sort of television screen for your amusement." Claire said as he glared at Claire who rolled her eyes.

"Actually, the whole reason this asset is so far from the park, and not for public viewing is merely because Masrani watched a Jurassic Park documentary." Claire said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"Look, Ms. Dearing, I get it, you want to show your kids a good time, but this isn't the place to do it. Trust me." Owen said as Claire shook her head, annoyed at Owen's meddling.

"Would you so kindly leave me and my nephews alone?" Claire asked as Zack and Greg just continued watching he argument "Please and thanks."

Owen sighed as he exited the building, but as soon as the kids sighed and turned their heads to the Megaraptor, it was missing. Suddenly a flock of bird flew from the jungle canopy in the cage, and there was a loud roar as suddenly the Megaraptor rammed into cage wall.

"Oh God, it's escaping, hide Greg" Zack said as the two hid behind a desk, but Claire just shook her head as the Megaraptor continued to ram the walls of it's cage.

"Boys, that is three foot thick concrete, lined with titanium, the Megaraptor ain't getting out this decade" Claire said as the Megaraptor use it's claws to puncture the concrete wall, sending spiderweb cracks throughout the concrete wall. The Megaraptor then roared as Claire pressed a large red button, causing an alarm to blare as she watched the Megaraptor knock into the wall, sending chunks of concrete flying in every direction. Men and women then began shouting as stomping and slashing sounded from outside the observation deck, then a sudden crunch.

Claire put her finger over her mouth to tell the boys to be quiet as the Megaraptor stomped on a truck, crushing it, and the creaking of the crushed metal was heard from nearly a mile away. The Megaraptor then roared, and a man shouted in terror, but there was a deadly slashing sound, followed by a sickening snap, and the shouting was over.

"I'm going to check what happened, stay here." Claire said as she opened the door and gasped in horror.

"What's wrong?" Greg asked, and Claire quickly shut the door.

"Nothing, don't come out, under any circumstances, understood?" Claire asked, and the boys nodded as Claire went to look for any survivors.

"Zack, what happened?" Greg asked as Zack looked to his younger brother.

"It'll be fine, they'll take care of it, I'm sure they will." Zack said, uncertainty creeping into his voice "You saw the Megaraptor break out, it's going to be chaos."

Greg then gulped hard as he got up to check the door when suddenly he heard a loud roar, and the Megaraptor stomped into it's cage, and looked into the observation deck, it saw Greg, but Greg didn't move in fear of what may happen if he does.

"Greg!" Zack whispered as he tried to get Greg's attention "Greg! Go out now!"

Greg took a deep breath and blinked twice before in a flurry of movement, he opened the door and rushed out as Zack followed. The Megaraptor then roared in a fit of rage as it used it's large claw to try and get the kids, but it just shattered the glass in between, but there was still another layer of glass, so the boys managed to get out of the building in time, but the Megaraptor was already looking for the kids on the outside.

The Megaraptor roared as the boys tried to get in the building, but as they opened the door, the floor and some of the walls fell into the Megaraptor's cage, distracting the Megaraptor as it went into the cage to investigate, giving the boys enough time to get down the stairs and run away.

Claire got up from her hiding spot and started to run to the boys, but before she even made it a few feet, the Megaraptor came out, and roared angrily, causing Claire to go back to her hiding spot, out of the Megaraptor's view.

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