Pt. 12

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The Megaraptor roared as it stomped through the jungle, and into a small clearing. Jungle was still surrounding, but now there was a small clearing, and somewhere above was the chopping sound of a helicopter overhead. The Megaraptor stomped onward as it tried to escape from the helicopter.

Suddenly there was a series of loud bangs as bullets rained from above, and one hit the Megaraptor in the hip. 

"Be careful! We want the specimen alive!" Simon Masrani shouted at the soldier who sat by the machine gun.

"You want it alive, then fix your flying!" The soldier shouted back as he opened fire once more. The bullets ricocheted off the ground, and a little ways up.

The Megaraptor rushed Northwest as the bullets barely missed it's large body. The Megaraptor roared as it came up to a large cage. It wasn't like other cages in the park. It was domed, but the walls were like fence. Inside was a small jungle, with a large cliff face in the center. In the center there were wings poking out from the trees.

The Megaraptor roared as the bullets began ricocheting off the walls of the Aviary, then the Megaraptor stomped right through the flimsy glass and fencing wall, send chunks of glass flying. A small group of Dimorphodon flew away from the Megaraptor as it roared and rushed into the cage.

The Megaraptor then continued to stomp through the Aviary, spooking some of the Ptearanadon and more Dimorphodon, and the Megaraptor roared as the flock flew out of the hole in the wall to escape. The Megaraptor then roared as it continued right through the Aviary and straight to the other side.

The Dimorphodon and Ptearanadon flew out of the Aviary, and towards the helicopter. The soldier shouted as he nearly fell out of the helicopter, but then the Dimorphodon flew up to him, and began biting at him, he shouted in pain as he finally let go, but before he hit the ground, the Dimorphodon swarmed his body, and ate him while he still breathed.

Meanwhile a flock of Ptearodactylus screeched as they flew right in front of the helicopter, causing Masrani to try to do a sharp turn to not crash, but he ended up getting straight in the path of some Ptearanadon who screeched as the lead Ptearanadon crashed head first into the helicopter, causing it's beak to break through the windshield, and impale the copilot. Masrani held the helicopter in place, but more Ptearanadon screeched as they went above the helicopter, and rammed into the rotor blades, causing one to break off. Masrani grunted as he struggled to land the helicopter safely. The Ptearanadon that impaled the copilot finally freed it's beak, and flew away, but once it disappeared above the helicopter a second rotor blade flew off the helicopter. Suddenly a Ptearodactylus flew into the blades off the helicopter, and broke the third blade leaving only a single blade, and the helicopter began falling towards the Aviary rapidly, once it reached the Aviary, it exploded and shattered the glass roof.

Everything was still until Simon Masrani pushed a bit of metal off of him, and coughed as he climbed out of the wreckage. Suddenly he heard a growl from behind him, and a tear fell from his eyes as he looked up. In this very instant his entire life flashed before his eyes, and then... Snap! Crunch!

The Megaraptor roared, blood dripping from it's mouth as it rushed out the Aviary, and the Pterosaurs flew or the roof or walls.

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