life of an orphan

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LIFE OF AN ORPHANdumbledore sure made a grave mistake

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dumbledore sure made a grave mistake.

AS THE FAST WOUND DOWN, Dumbledore rosed to ask the future travelers, "Now that we've satisfied our hunger, can we now begin with the first movie?"

Rosalie nodded her head to Hermione, signaling her to prepare the movie. Hermione stood up to address the hall, looking at each of them. "Before we begin, I'd like to remind everyone that these memories are from the future. What you are about to see hasn't come to pass yet in your time. So, please keep in mind that we don't blame you for what is about to happen."

Rosalie and some of the travelers nodded, appreciating Hermione's consideration. Hermione rose and placed the first disk into a device set up at the front of the Great Hall. As the lights dimmed, everyone settled into their seats, anticipation hanging thick in the air.

The screen flickered to life, revealing the familiar night sky over Little Whinging. The camera panned down to a quiet street lined with identical houses, finally settling on Number Four, Privet Drive.

"That's a Muggle neighborhood," Arthur Weasley whispered, his eyes wide with fascination.

"Shhh," hissed Molly, though she was equally intrigued.

The scene shifted to an elderly man in elaborate robes, who appeared out of nowhere.

Gasps filled the Hall as they recognized Albus Dumbledore, albeit a slightly older version.

"Blimey, Dumbledore looks even older," Sirius muttered, earning a few chuckles.

"But what are you doing there, Professor?" Remus asked curiously, ignoring Sirius's commentary.

"I don't know, Mr. Lupin; it's in the future." Dumbledore answered, amused, making Remus smile sheepishly in embarrassment.

Dumbledore on screen pulled out a strange device and extinguished the street lamps one by one before looking down at the cat next to him.

"Minnie!" the three boys chorused, except Peter, who was much more invested in the strange thing in Dumbledore's hand. "What is that thing?" Peter asked, his brow furrowed.

"It's a Deluminator," Rosalie whispered back, smiling politely. "It's used to remove light sources."

Dumbledore still looking at the cat. "I should have known that you would be here..."

The cat silently looked back at him, and the camera turned towards a wall. The cat's shadow transformed into a woman with a tall hat. Footsteps could be heard, revealing Minerva McGonagall.

"Professor McGonagall!" several voices stated at once.

"I knew it!" James exclaimed, making some of the students look at him with amusement.

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