mysterious mirror

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MYSTERIOUS MIRRORanother late-night rendezvous, you mean?

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another late-night rendezvous, you mean?

AFTER CALMING A FRANTIC MARY MCDONALD, who had reacted as if the world was ending because Dorcas's popcorn had run out, the group refocused on the movie.

Dorcas, ever prepared, pulled out more popcorn and handed it to her best friend. While Peter, still baffled by the endless supply of the snack and where it came from, eyed the curly-haired girl curiously.

Back in the movie, it was now late at night, and an eerie glow illuminated the darkened corridors of the Hogwarts library. A lantern hovered, seemingly held by an invisible hand, casting flickering shadows on the ancient shelves.

James and Sirius looked scandalized at the scene, with the latter dramatically clutching his chest and the former staring at his daughter appalled.

"I can't believe the first thing you do with the invisibility cloak is use it to go to the library," James said, clearly expecting Rosalie to have more thrilling adventures with it.

Lily shot him a look of disbelief, which quickly turned into a look of disapproval at what she heard her daughter replied, "It's the restricted section though."

The lantern was set down gently, and as the cloak was pulled away, it revealed Rosalie, her face set with determination as she delved into the Restricted Section. The air was thick with silence, save for the soft rustle of the girl's movements.

"'Famous Fire Eaters'. '15th-Century Fiends'. Flamel. Nicholas Flamel. Where are you?" Rosalie muttered to herself, scanning the titles on the dusty shelves.

She picked up a book and cautiously opened it. To her horror, a man's face emerged from the pages, screaming madly and loudly.

Some of the audience jumped in their seats, shocked, while the younger ones clutched the older ones for comfort, visibly frightened by the scene.

On-screen, Rosalie's heart pounded as she slammed the book shut and hastily returned it to its place.

"Who's there?!" Filch's voice echoed through the library, causing Rosalie to freeze.

Like the girl in the movie, the hall froze in anticipation, worried that she might get caught.

In her haste to grab her cloak, Rosalie knocked over the lamp, which fell and shattered on the floor.

"I know you're in there. You can't hide," Filch continued, his voice laced with suspicion.

Rosalie, now invisible again, crept around Filch, carefully avoiding the shards of glass. "Who is it? Show yourself!" Filch demanded, but the auburn-haired girl was already slipping out of the room, breathing heavily.

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