peculiar cat

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PECULIAR CATi didn't realize i had a demonic cat

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i didn't realize i had a demonic cat.

AFTER THE EMOTIONAL SCENE INVOLVING THE MYSTERIOUS MIRROR OF ERISED, the scene shifted, showing the return of the rest of the students to Hogwarts as the holiday break ended.

At the castle entrance, Astraea and Stella exchanged brief goodbyes before heading to their respective houses.

Inside the Slytherin common room, the group of Slytherins gathered, excitedly sharing stories about their vacations.

Daphne, who had spent time in Greece, brought back a variety of Greek sweets and pastries, much to Stella's delight.

The travelers in the room chuckled fondly, knowing Stella's well-known obsession with sweets.

They all indulged in Daphne's treats while listening to Blaise, who animatedly recounted his vacation to a Caribbean island his family owned. Theodore followed with tales of his adventure in Germany, eliciting laughter from the group.

They also learned that Pansy had spent her holidays at home, celebrating Christmas with her family and observing their traditions. Stella and Draco shared snippets of their time in France and Italy, contributing to the lively conversation.

"That's a wholesome friendship you have there," Remus mumbled, prompting nods of agreement from those who recognized the resemblance of the group to their own circles of friends.

Pansy and Draco could only smile at the comment, their thoughts drifting absently as they continued to watch the screen.

If only it could last forever, They thought wistfully.

After catching up, the six friends decided to retire to their respective dorms, eager to rest and prepare for the new term. The scene then shifted to the next day, focusing on the Quidditch pitch, where Stella sat in one of the benches, watching the Slytherin team practice.

"What is she doing there?" Rabastan asked, puzzled.

"Watching them practice?" Draco responded, though his uncertainty was evident.

"Yeah, I can see that, but why is she watching them?" Rodolphus added, his curiosity piqued.

The others exchanged looks, equally intrigued by Stella's presence at the practice, wondering if there was more to it than met the eye.

Draco glanced at Pansy, silently asking for help, but she only chuckled, equally unsure of how to answer the question. Fortunately, the scene shifted, sparing them from further explanation.

There in the screen, showed a flashback. It was the aftermath of the first Quidditch match of the year, the game between Gryffindor and Slytherin, in which the latter got defeated.

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