the letter

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THE LETTERwho would be foolish enough to write to you?

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who would be foolish enough to write to you?

AS THE SCREEN CONTINUED TO SHIFT TO THE NEXT SCENE, it changed to a bright morning scene at Number Four, Privet Drive. It was the start of the summer break, and Rosalie was now allowed out of the cupboard.

"What? Did I hear that right? You just got out of the cupboard?" James asked his future daughter incredulously. "How long have you been locked up there?"

"I don't know, maybe three or four weeks?" Rosalie replied, not so sure about her answer, acting as if she had already forgotten her years of misery at the hands of the Dursleys.

Rosalie made her way into the living room, looking pale, almost white as snow, with a visible pinkish shade under her eyes. The Dursleys gave her a few glasses of water every week and some food every two weeks.

"THEY WHAT!?" The not-so-quiet Remus jolted, looking at Rosalie and pointing his index finger at the girl in disbelief. "How could you endure all that?" the Gryffindor boy now asked, more calmly.

"Maybe because that was by far the easiest torture I've ever experienced in my twenty years of existence?" Rosalie said, as if it was the most common thing to say, earning her a few concerned looks.

The future travelers took in her words with understanding, knowing what she was talking about. But that didn't stop them from feeling bad for Rosalie.

In the living room, Vernon was attempting to take a photo of his son, Dudley, who was dressed in a formal school uniform. Petunia, with her thin, horse-like face, fussed over Dudley's appearance, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles in his blazer.

"Smile, Dudders," Vernon coaxes, adjusting the camera.

Dudley grinned, looking smug, making Petunia coo at her son. "Vernon, just look at him. I can't believe it. In just a week, he'll be off to Smeltings."

Vernon looked at his wife, then at his son, his face wearing a pompous expression. "Caveat Smeltona. Proudest moment of my life."

Rosalie watched the scene in the background, standing near Vernon and Petunia, her eyes looking tired yet with a glint of curiosity.

"Will I have to wear that too?" The question caught the couple's attention. They looked at Rosalie, their expressions a mix of mockery and amusement.

"What? You? Go to Smeltings?" Petunia asked incredulously, to which Rosalie nodded her head questionably. Vernon looked at the girl amused, then back at his wife before they both erupted into fits of laughter.

"Did I miss a joke or something?" Draco questioned, a bit annoyed. He's now sitting at the Slytherin table once again, some of the children near him subtly scooted away.

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