rational theory

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RATIONAL THEORYand that is why you're not in ravenclaw

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and that is why you're not in ravenclaw.

EVEN WITH BARTY'S ATTEMPT TO LIGHTEN THE MOOD BY HIS OBVIOUS COMMENT, it did little to ease the tension. Everyone remained on edge, anxious to see what would happen next.

Thankfully, the screen flickered back to life, revealing Stella slowly opening her eyes. Dim light filtered in, showing the familiar ceiling of the infirmary. She had been moved from the Forbidden Forest to a bed in the Hospital Ward.

A collective sigh of relief echoed through the hall. She was safe.

Propping herself up on her elbows, Stella noticed she was alone, except for two familiar figures. The Thestral lay on the floor, still and quiet, while Nyx, in her tiniest kitten form, rested on its back.

How did they allow the dam in the ward? she wondered, echoing the thoughts of many viewers. Then it dawned on her -- not everyone could see the Thestral, and those who did probably wouldn't mention it.

Surprisingly, the girl sat up without feeling any pain. Madam Pomfrey, who had been checking on her periodically since she was brought in unconscious, seemed equally astonished.

"Ms. Lestrange!" the healer called out sternly. "Lie back on that bed, or so help me, I will charm you to it!"

"Madam, I feel fine!" Stella retorted, stretching her back and arms. "I’m not in any pain anymore. Just a little sore."

"Why is she so hard-headed? She should listen to her," Rabastan murmured, only to receive fond smiles from Narcissa and Andromeda, who faintly saw a resemblance of the girl to their older sister.

"That’s very strange," Madam Pomfrey remarked, crossing her arms as she stood next to the bed and the sleeping creatures.


"These two," Pomfrey replied with an amused smile, then her gaze landed on the peaceful Thestral. "I tried to make her leave, but she refused. Always disappearing when told, only to sneak right back in after I looked away."

"Strange indeed," Stella commented, her tone light. "Animals and creatures alike are drawn to me. I’ve had this problem for years."

"A problem?" Barty quietly mused to himself. "Doesn't seem like a problem when she clearly enjoys their company."

"I need to do a few more examinations," Madam Pomfrey said, pulling out her wand from her apron pocket. "Then I’ll call Professor Snape to escort you back to your room. I’d rather not have you collapse on your way there."

Stella nodded, though she found herself unable to respond verbally. As the healer busied herself elsewhere, the dark-haired girl shuffled off the bed and quietly closed the curtains around her. Draping her arms around the Thestral’s neck, she cuddled the creature.

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