ones curiosity

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ONE'S CURIOSITYhermione doesn't know something?

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hermione doesn't know something?

AFTER THE EXHILARATING QUIDDITCH MATCH, which ended in a thrilling victory for Gryffindor, Hermione, Ron, and Rosalie made their way off the pitch, their spirits high.

However, they were stopped midway by a certain group of Hufflepuffs.

"Hi, Rosalie," a familiar male brunette said, approaching the three with a friendly smile.

Amos grinned at the recognition while James scowled at the sight.

Rosalie's face brightened. "Hello, Cedric. It's nice to see you again."

"You too," the boy smiled, "I've been swamped with Prefect duties and schoolwork, you know? So I haven't had much time to see you around." he added, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I guess they didn't give you much work, seeing you still have the time talking to my daughter," James muttered to himself, much to Rosalie and Lily's amusement.

"Oh, that must be tiring," on-screen Rosalie empathized.

The brunette nodded. "Yeah, but hey, you were fantastic out there catching the Snitch. I really hope that Hufflepuff will play against Gryffindor this year, so I could play against you," he said, changing the subject.

"If that's the case, I'm looking forward to it too," Rosalie replied warmly.

The camera then pans towards the three other Hufflepuffs behind Cedric, one of them greeting the bushy-haired girl enthusiastically.

"Hi, Hermione," Astraea greeted with a bright smile.

Hermione's face lit up as she embraced her friend. "Rea!"

The brunette chuckled. "It's actually Astraea, but Rea works too since you're my friend now." She then looked back at her two other companions and introduced them, "And these are Caesar and Serena, my friends too."

The travelers smiled fondly at the two, especially Rosalie, who was still thankful for how they had defended her when everyone else was against her.

Hermione shyly waved at the two. "Hello." She then glanced back at Ron and Rosalie. Noticing that Rosalie is still engaged in conversation with Cedric, Hermione decided to introduce the redhead.

"And this is Ron, also my friend. Ron, this is Astraea, Serena, and Caesar," Hermione said, gesturing for Ron to come closer.

Ron's eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, I know you!" he said, pointing at Caesar. "You're Katie Bell's brother."

Caesar chuckled, clearly amused, but nodded in acknowledgment. However, their conversation was interrupted by a voice calling out for Astraea.

"Nymphadora's calling for me," the brunette announced, glancing toward the sound. "Sorry to cut this short, Hermione. I'll catch up with you later." She smiled softly and walked away.

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