diagon alley

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DIAGON ALLEYmaybe they meant flying dogs

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maybe they meant flying dogs.

THE GREAT HALL ERUPTED IN CHEERS AND JOY, everyone feeling a sense of relief that Rosalie was now out of the Dursleys' clutches and would be soon in good hands -- or so they thought.

"Thanks, Merlin! Rosalie has been freed from that horrendous family," Marlene exclaimed, her relief echoed by nods of agreement from others. Even some Slytherins and pure-bloods silently agreed, though they'd never admit it openly.

Back to the movie, the scene shifts to the streets of London where Rosalie and Hagrid are seen walking in the underground tube.

"First year students will require: three sets of work robes, one wand," Rosalie read aloud from her list. She then turned to Hagrid with a questioning look.

"Essential bit of equipment, Rosalie," Hagrid replied.

"One pair of dragon-hide gloves," Rosalie continued, looking back at Hagrid. "Hagrid, do they mean from a real dragon?"

"No sweetheart, maybe they meant flying dogs," Evan sassed, earning a few snickers and a glare from the Gryffindor table.

"Your daughter is so innocent, it's so cute," Alice whispered to her friend ignoring the Slytherin, Lily just smiled at the comment. Rosalie, overhearing their chitchat, blushed furiously.

"Well, they don't mean a penguin, do they? Heh. Crikey, I'd love a dragon," Hagrid answered, glancing back at Rosalie. His words piqued her interest, prompting her to ask, "You'd love a dragon?"

At that, Charlie wiggle on Molly's arm chanting, "Dwagon! Dwagon! Dwagon!"

The sight, makes the majority of the hall coo while the travelers chuckle at the toddler, knowing exactly where the kid's interest is coming from.

"Vastly misunderstood beasts, Rosalie. Vastly misunderstood," Hagrid explained, his eyes catching a woman's gaze before she returned to reading her paper.

The scene shifted to Hagrid and Rosalie walking down the bustling streets.

"All students must be equipped with... one standard size 2 pewter cauldron and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat, or a toad," Rosalie read from the list again. She looked up at Hagrid for the third time and asked, "Can we find all this in London?"

"If you know where to go," Hagrid replied with a knowing smile.

They approached a corner store, and as they got closer, a sign above that read 'The Leaky Cauldron' magically appeared. They entered the pub, where music played, and several patrons were engaged in conversation.

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