first break

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FIRST BREAKwhat did you all think of the movie overall?

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what did you all think of the movie overall?

AS THE SCREEN FADED TO BLACK, SIGNALING THE END OF THE MOVIE, the lights in the room gradually brightened. There was a brief moment of silence as everyone processed the film they had just watched. The atmosphere was thick with a mix of emotions -- curiosity, surprise, and even some lingering tension from the rollercoaster scenes they had witnessed.

Rosalie leaned back in her seat, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Well, that was... interesting," she mused aloud, breaking the silence. "I didn't expect to see so much of our personal lives mixed into the movie."

Neville shifted in his seat, his fingers idly playing with the ring on his hand. "Yeah... I didn't think they'd show so much detail either," he admitted, glancing around the room, still processing everything.

Rosalie's gaze lingered on the screen for a moment longer, her smile fading. Seeing such a vulnerable side of Stella had left her feeling unsettled, unsure of how to respond. The rawness of the scenes had hit closer to home than she had anticipated.

Pansy, however, seemed unfazed. She crossed her legs casually, a thoughtful expression on her face. "It's strange seeing everything from an outside perspective. Almost feels like we're watching someone else's life instead of our own," she remarked, her tone calm, but her eyes betraying a hint of introspection.

Despite their comments, the room remained thick with tension and curiosity. For a few moments, no one spoke, each person grappling with the emotions stirred by all the scenes they had just witnessed.

James was the first to break the silence, though his voice was unusually subdued. "So... that's the future, huh?" His eyes flickered toward Rosalie -- his daughter in this alternate timeline. There was a mixture of pride and heartbreak in his expression, as if he was both amazed by her resilience and pained by the hardships she had endured.

Lily, sitting beside him, was still staring at the dead screen. "I can't believe what she -- what we -- go through," she whispered, her hands now trembling slightly in her lap as she recalled the events of the movie. "Seeing her like that... it's still hard to imagine."

Rosalie gave the redhead a sympathetic glance, reaching out to hold her hand in a gesture of comfort.

Nearby, Sirius, who usually had something to say, was now uncharacteristically quiet. He leaned back in his seat, staring up at the ceiling as if it held the answers to the questions swirling in his mind. "Well, that was a lot to take in," he finally muttered, rubbing a hand across his face. "Seeing how things turn out for them... especially you and Lily, Prongs."

Remus, ever the voice of reason, nodded thoughtfully. "It's strange seeing the future laid out like that, knowing what's coming but not being able to change anything." He paused, his eyes flicking over to Rosalie and then back to his friends. "But it also gives us a chance to prepare ourselves. To understand what's at stake."

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