trip back home

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TRIP BACK HOMEi'll see you later, star

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i'll see you later, star.

THE SCENE SMOOTHLY TRANSITIONED FROM THE BUSTLING GREAT HALL OF HOGWARTS TO THE HOGSMEADE STATION, where the platform buzzed with the same excitement and the bittersweet energy of the last day of term.

Students hurried about, trunks in tow, as they made their way to the Hogwarts Express, which would soon carry them home.

The camera panned to the towering figure of Hagrid, his booming voice rising above the noise as he urged the students to hurry. "Come on, now. Hurry up, you'll be late! Train's leaving! Go on, go on, hurry up!" he called out, waving his massive hands to shepherd the students toward the train.

Rosalie, clutching Hedwig's cage, handed it over to a train attendant before turning back to take in the scene. Walking alongside Hermione, she watched her friend give a quick wave to Hagrid before stepping up onto the train.

The bushy-haired girl paused on the steps, glancing back with a smile. "Come on, Rosie," she urged, already halfway aboard.

"One minute," Rosalie replied, her gaze lingering on the platform as she spotted Hagrid watching over the students. She made her way over to the gentle giant, a soft smile playing on her lips.

Hagrid's face lit up as Rosalie approached. "Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, did ya?" he teased, though there was a warmth in his eyes that spoke of his deep affection for the girl who had become so much more than just a student to him.

From his deep coat pocket, Hagrid pulled out a small red album and handed it to the girl with a shy grin. "This is fer you."

James and Lily shared a fond smile. They would be forever grateful to the giant for the way he cared for their future daughter.

"I think even a manor wouldn't be enough to repay Hagrid," Sirius leaned over to James, referencing the gift his friend might consider for the gentle giant.

"You're right, Padfoot. You're right," James replied, still smiling softly. Remus and Lily exchanged amused glances, sharing a quiet moment of understanding as they watched the two friends share a hushed whisper.

Two first-year Gryffindors were quietly reading in the library when a hushed commotion broke out nearby. Lily and Remus looked over, spotting another pair of Gryffindors engaged in some mischief -- James and Sirius, clearly up to something foolish once again.

Remus sighed, closing his book, while Lily continued to observe the scene, trying to figure out what the two were doing. "I wonder who'll be unfortunate enough to fall for those two," she mumbled, just loud enough for Remus to hear.

The brunette nodded in agreement. "I guess we'll just have to find out," he replied as they both returned to their reading.

Remus leaned over to the redhead with a teasing whisper, "Who's the unfortunate one now, Lils?"

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