a gay ass fuggin prankk

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Earth: @4ngrych1w4w4 @M4rzy4l13ns DM ME NOW!! >:(

Mars: are we in trouble??😨

Venus: i think so...😰

in DM's

Earth: i wanna pull a prank

Earth: on th whole GC

Mars: really? what prank?

Earth: we going to act like this

Venus: act like what now?

Earth: okay, you know those glmm's in 2018, and the one called "The 2 UwU Cats And The Demon"?

Mars: ohhhhh.....😰

Venus: please, no

Earth: me and Mars are the UwU cats, Venus is the big bad boy demon

Earth: wee all act like their roles

Mars: earth why?

Earth: bc i love to see reactions NOW DO IT OR ELSE, MARS, I'LL TERRAFORM YOU, AND VENUS, I WILL TOP YOU >:(

Mars: wait what the fuck

Venus: :/

In The GC

Uranus: and then, NEPTUNE came up to me and SAID GYATT AGAIN

Jupiter: Well, I didn't teach him that!

Uranus: WHO DID!?

Earth: i-i-i-it w-wasnt m-me UwU🥺👉👈

Mars: UwU   >"<

Uranus: wait what the fack😨

Venus: you leave my kittens alone!!😡😡😡 *growls*

Neptune: holy shit

Uranus: you can spell again?

Neptune: shut the fuck up, im cringing

Mars: UwU meow~

Earth: *purrs cutely*

Venus: good kittens~ >:)

Neptune: i want to fucking kill myself

Earth: n-n-n-no!! :3 d-dont do t-that n-n-neptune-kun!!

Neptune: 😰

Uranus: kill me too

Jupiter: What the fuck?

Saturn: I think they're roleplaying in the wrong group chat.

Mars: UwU

Earth: UwU

In DM's

Earth: i cant fucking take it anymore, im hurling into the sun

Mars: me too

Venus: 3rd on that

Solarballs GC!! :DWhere stories live. Discover now