013. ares, you pain in the ass.

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  𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 state of shock ever since closed the door on them back at the stairwell. She was only knocked back into sense when she had to take Percy down to the river to heal. But as they stood in the middle of police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances, she wouldn't say a word.

  She was terrified on what happened to the girl. Getting out of the temple, they saw that a whole was created at the top, someone dangling off, but when they looked again, the dangling figure was gone. Clarisse thought of the worst thing possible, as one does.

  Percy Jackson and Clarisse had one thing in common in that one situation; they were absolutely terrified on what had happened to Rory.

  While the two were in their own minds, Grover and Annabeth stayed alert, only in different ways. Grover was watching as the chaperones that was at the altar talked to two police officers, seeing as they looking at the four. Annabeth, though, was looking at three old ladies weaving yarn. Those old ladies mostly being known as the Fates; Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos.

"They're looking at us." Grover whispered, looking down at his hooves as the police officers looked towards them.

Annabeth figured Grover was talking about the three sisters, agreeing. Percy then felt a sudden weight in his pant pocket, rather confused. He stuffed his hand into his pocket, pulling it out and revealing a ball point pen. His pen.

  He remembered what Chiron had said about the sword, how it returns to the owner once lost. That meant Rory had lost it. Something happened to the eldest Jackson and non of them knew what.

  "We should probably get outta here, don't you think?" Grover asked, Annabeth still eyeing that fates, her eyes widening when she saw Atropos cut a piece of string; someone's life.

  "Dude, they're looking right at us." Annabeth then looked at Grover, Clarisse only nudging her to get her attention.

  "What?" Annabeth asked, confused on what he was talking about. The Chase girl wasn't the only one eyeing the Fates; Clarisse was too, and she saw the life that was taken, her mind instantly going to Rory.

  Grover then motioned towards the officers, Percy only clearing his voice. "Come on guys. We need to find Moon."

  "Percy..." Grover tried, but Clarisse butted in immediately.

  "She's alive, satyr. And we're gonna find her." Clarisse said sternly, Grover only nodding before Percy started walking, the three following behind him as they called for the lost girl.

  A series of 'Rory', 'Moon', and 'Ant' was heard, the demigods going to the pier right where the river was. Percy thought that maybe their father finally decided to be a dad for the girl and save her.

  Turning in different directions, Clarisse heard the sound of water splashing and gasps for air, following the sound with the rest behind her.

  Clarisse turned the corner, seeing a soaked Rory dangling from the rail, a rush of adrenaline coming through her as she grabbed her waist, helped her over and onto the platform.

  Rory only smiled before she gagged, slightly dragging Clarisse as she tiptoed her chest over the edge, vomit coming out. Goldfish crackers and the sudden adrenaline of death, survival, and rushing water does not mix well.

  Clarisse rubbed the soaked girls back in comfort, one hand still around her waist. Grover wished he had his polaroid camera with him right now.

  Rory coughed, then stood up straight, Clarisse's hand never leaving the spot on her waist. The Jackson girl breathed before turning around, seeing the trio behind them, all still in partial shock.

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