1. Movie Night

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Note from the author: Hey Jesus H. Christ I am currently writing this at, like, 3 in the morning. I keep on hearing knocks, Oh my Christ. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this series. Instead of focusing on their lives with Chucky, I am going to focus on the relationship aspect a lot more without Chucky, and if you're going to notice, I took the storyline structure coupled with me adding gratifying details to their story.

They stand before a memorial on the cornerstone of Oliver's locker in the hallway. The two look uneasy toward each other as they reminisce about all the miserable times they spent together when the mere presence of Oliver produced seven minutes of hell. Locking them in a walk-in closet for their homosexuality, which was supposed to be shunned by society, but from the warm, light ironstone color of his skin, Jake turns pale as he looks in the direction of Devon.

Jake: He knew the things he did were morally wrong.

Devon: It doesn't change the fact that he continued to do the morally wrong thing.

Jake: It sort of does, though; a couple of days ago, he apologized to me for what he did.

Devon: But you never know, do you? It could've been him trying to manipulate you.

Jake: I guess that's true, but I do have to take accountability. Devon, this is all my fault. Oliver would still be alive if it weren't for me...

Devon: Pain's a lot easier if you let someone feel it with you. So let me feel some of it with you.

Jake turns away towards Devon, looking at him from the bottom of his shoe to the sparkly eyes of Devon.

Devon: Hey, close your eyes.

Jake: What? (He smirks in Devon's direction while asking in a questioning tone.)

Devon: Just do it.

Jake: Okay...

He closes his eyes, turning his head towards the ceiling as he listens closely to every word coming from Devon.

Devon: Now, think of everything you're feeling deep in your gut. With this thinking, make it unfiltered.

A frown comes over Jake as he sighs.

Jake: Do you ever have those dreams where you're running in place? It feels like I'm running just like that. The world is crashing down because of something I did. But I can't run to fix it. I can't run from it. I'm just stuck somewhere in the middle. There's nothing I can do but pump my arms faster.

Devon reaches his hand out to Jake's hand and intertwines his hands with Jake's. Jake opens his eyes rapidly and then looks downward to see Devon's hand intertwined with his. He looks up at Devon with a stunned expression, but he smiles warmly. The two stuck together as if they went through a wormhole, with everyone else in the school moving past them, followed by the rapid, indistinct chatter of all the students wading through the hallway.

Jake: W-w-what do you mean by this devon-n?

Devon: What I mean to tell you is that... with every strike of a fist beating you down relentlessly, I will be there to aid your wounds, cuts, and bruises. Not only that, but I will also put in all the effort that it will take to protect you from whomever.

Jake: Do you really mean-n-n it, Devon??

Devon: Yes, of course! So let me be there for you to get you unstuck, lift you from your dreams, and make your aspirations come true.

Jake: Do you want to go somewhere? Like after school, I know this beautiful place that you would enjoy. If that's what you want or maybe you want something different? (He says as he lifts his eyebrow slightly)

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