My Point of View

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I'm not gonna lie. Damashire's kinda...cute. It's interesting how you see a boy years ago, dead looking, and then you see him again, a bit more happy. 

Anyways, I have a class to teach in a few hours, so let's just get this going.

For the first time in awhile, I go to class early, bringing Damashire on his invisible leash. "Why early?" Aizawa sits in an empty desk, "I wanna see the class's reaction." Damashire gives a look that knows I'm lying. "You barely show much remorse for your class, I've seen for the past couple weeks, so you're not the type to do...this." Damashire sits on the desk in front of me. "Get off the desk." He sits in my lap instead. 

"How are you still able to put up with me?" Damashire smiles as he looks at me. "Do you not want me to put up with you?" I lay my head on the desk. "I'm not gonna answer that." 

Damashire decides to get a chair and puts it next to me. Once again, he pulls out the love question. "Why won't you love me?" He leans on his hand as his elbow sits on the desk. 

"I'm not into you or guys." He chuckles, "That's not what you've showed in bed." I look away and cross my arms. "'re good in bed," I flush ever so slightly. Damashire rests his elbows on the chair. "Are you telling me that I'm pretty much a sex vending machine?" I shrug. "Helps with troubles."

A few student come in. "Oh, hi, Mr. Aizawa. I didn't expect for you to come early." Izuku Midoriya. He sets his backpack on his desk. Damashire snickers, "What a boring reaction," he whispers. Aizawa stands up, stepping on his foot first. "Ow.."


Let's see what Dahamei's doing...

"Where's Onii-chan's stuff...?" She looks around in the room and the closet. There's only two things she's 100% sure that belongs to Damashire, despite the short time they had together before he was sent to prison. 

It's so boring. She groans, laying on the bed. There's gotta be some secrets here. She grins, sitting up. She goes back to the closet and starts digging around. "Mom," she reads on a box. She takes the box with her to the bed and sits there. 

She takes the lid off and sees all these pictures and documents. There's pictures of a woman and Aizawa together, smiling.

The woman looks sweet and soft. Her hair is a dark black, and long, reaching to her hips. Dahamei's looks at Aizawa. He's a lot younger. What happened to her though? 

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