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"Stress! Stress! Stress!" Naeun repeated over and over again, banging her head against her study desk. Her final exams for the semester were coming up and the girl had been studying non stop. She desperately wanted to take a break, but she couldn't afford it.

Taking a deep breath, she flipped the page in her textbook and went back to studying. The girl didn't even realize how late it had gotten until she got a text message on her phone from someone she really didn't feel like talking to right now.

Jisung 🦒

Are you awake?


Oh yeah
Chenle told me you guys have exams coming up

It's brutal

Take care of yourself, princess
I don't want you to get hurt

For some reason, Jisung's words struck something in Naeun's heart. She stared at the message, almost getting the urge to screenshot it but she retracted. She ended up staring at the message for a lot longer than intended as a stupid smile spread across her face.

Reply to my message : (

I'm fine

You're taking breaks, right?


Incoming call from: Jisung 🦒
Accept / Decline

"Why is he calling me?" Naeun muttered to herself, debating whether to accept. She bit her lip, staring at her ringing phone. With a long sigh, she pressed the accept button.

"Hello?" She heard his deep voice through the other line, sending shivers down her spine. She hated that he had this effect on her.

"Why did you call me?" Naeun asked, trying her best to stay composed.

"Because I had a feeling you weren't giving yourself breaks," he replied, his voice full of concern. "Rest, baby. I don't want you burning yourself out before a big test."

Naeun's heart fluttered. A lot more than she liked to admit. His simple words sent her pulse racing and a warm blush spreading across her cheeks. She fiddled with her fingers, no words coming out of her mouth.

"Baby? Are you there? Why aren't you saying anything?" Jisung's voice snapped her back to reality and she cleared her throat before speaking up.

"Y-yeah, I'm here," she stammered. "Just got...lost in thought."

"About me?" He flirted, smirking to himself.



"Yah! You just screamed in my ear!"

"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled sheepishly. "But were you actually lost in thought about me?"

Oblivious to her, Jisung was over the moon, rolling around in his bed and kicking his feet. He was giggling and squealing like a little girl. He wished he could've recorded her saying that and set it as his ringtone, alarm clock, everything.

"Tell me, were you really thinking about me?" He asked again, unable to hide the giddiness in his voice.

"Yeah, thinking about how annoying you are," Naeun deadpanned, not wanting to show her true emotions.

"Ouch, that really hurt, babe," Jisung sighed, a hand clutching over his heart. "But I should let you rest, I don't want to make you stay up too late. Well, unless-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence."

"Sorry, baby," he chuckled. "I'll let you sleep, alright?"

"...good night," she muttered quietly.

"Good night babe...I love you," he said extremely quickly before ending the call.

Naeun threw her phone across the room, a screech leaving her mouth. The last three words he said practically sent her into cardiac arrest. She couldn't tell if he was joking or being genuine, but either way, she became flustered as hell.

Her heart was beating like crazy, and though her room was cold, her palms started becoming sweaty. She buried her head in her pillow, screaming again.

"Who died?" Alarmed, Juri burst into the bedroom, in her pajamas and a baseball bat in hand. She walked into not anyone dying, but Naeun full on malfunctioning. "Girly, what the fuck happened?"

"J-Jisung..." she stammered. "We were on a call, and....he said I love you before hanging up."

Juri screamed, immediately engulfing her best friend in a bone crushing hug. "Oh my god, bestie!"

"What the hell, why are you hugging me?"

"Because? The Park Jisung just fucking said he loves you!" She squealed.

"You seem more excited than me," Naeun muttered after pulling away from the hug. Her best friend was more excited, but the girl herself felt like she could spontaneously combust at any moment. "But I don't know if he actually means it or if it's just another flirty comment.

"Girl, no one says 'I love you' as a flirty comment!" Juri lightly flicked her forehead. "Knowing him, he probably means it. He's never once lied or exaggerated his feelings towards you."

Juri noticed the faint blush on Naeun's cheeks, and her lips contorted into a smirk. "Hey, you're blushing," she teased.

"Am I?" Naeun used the back of her hands to feel her cheeks. They were burning hot.

"The boy's in love with you, shouldn't you give him a chance?"

"I'm not going to do that," Naeun scoffed.

"I know you have a thing for him too, don't even lie," Juri rolled her eyes.

"That's-" Naeun didn't finish her sentence, since she knew the girl had a point.

Naeun hated the fact that she was starting to feel something for him. She hated that her heart fluttered whenever he made another one of his flirty jokes. She hated it.

The girl had been actively trying to avoid him in hopes that it would all fade. She even hung out with Daehan more as a distraction. But nothing worked. Her feelings only came back stronger than before.

Her mind instantly went back to her brother, and the reason she put up those walls in the first place.

But Jisung was tearing them down, without even realizing it.

Stuck | Park Jisung [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now