Chapter 1

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Sabrina's POV:

I wake up from another dream of my mom. I look around and realize I'm still in the "Safety First" orphanage. This place shouldn't be open. I remember my biological mom leaving me in this group home. This is hell. My sisters and I have all been adopted once but immediately returned like damaged goods. I was seven when Sophia dropped us off here and never looked back. That was nine years ago I'm almost sixteen. As I finish getting dressed I hear Mrs Agnes yell.

"Sabrina, Sadie, Maddie, and Ava get your lazy asses down here and go to work you better bring me your checks today." Agnes yells.

"What if we dont get them today?" Sadie asks smartly as I hear Maddie snicker quietly

"Then don't bother coming back." Agatha says smirking

"Fuck it any place is better than here." Maddie says

Sadie, Maddie, Ava, and I all pack our bags and head out to see my boyfriend Corey waiting in the driver seat. We all pile in the car.

"Hey babe!"' I say kissing Corey before he drives off.

"Mads Corey is gonna drop you off first since you have to be at the studio filming today." I say looking at them through the review mirror

"Okay you can pick me up at five that's when class ends." Maddie says

We pull up to the studio and Maddie hops out. Next we drop Sadie off at the stranger things set where she runs to Caleb.

"All right Aves your with us on set today they want you in todays episode." I say

"Okay I'm gonna go to hair and makeup and the find August." Ava says running off

I grab Cory's hand and we run to set where I bumped into Rowan and the three of us go to the bay window onset, and sit down.

"Hey, do you wanna go to a party tonight at my place?" Ask Rowan

"Sure I'm gonna bring my sisters Sadie and Maddie and Ava is going to August house tonight so that that works." I reply

Before Cory can say anything, our Director finds us as he walked in. I see the one person I haven't seen in years, the person I thought I would never see again come face-to-face with my eyes.

Sophia's POV:

I wake up getting a call from my manager telling me that a show called "Girl meets World" needs someone to play the character Maya's mother and that they wanted me too. Of course I said yes. I hurriedly got ready and immediately got in my car driving to set.

"Good morning Sophia thanks for doing this I'll take you out back so you can meet the cast." Tom the producer says.

"Awesome I'd love too!" I reply happily

I follow Tom throughout the set meeting varied people of the cast. Until he brought me to the bay window on set. I locked eyes with one of my kids. One I haven't seen since she's was nine now here stands a beautiful teenage who's almost sixteen.

"Sabrina this is Sophia." Tom says

"I know who she is we actually met before um Tom do you and Corey mind leaving while I talk to Sophia alone?" Sabrina asks Tom

As Tom and Corey leave the room Sabrina looks up at me with fiery in her eyes. Eyes that used to be filled with wonder now filled with brokenness and hatred.

"You need to leave Ava is here and she doesn't know you. She doesn't know you are our mom. That you abandoned us and left us like trash all because you and dad... I mean Chad got divorced. Look we have never had a home we're in an orphanage that takes all our money and which the owner abuses all of us except Ava. Sadie, Maddie and I protect Ava at all costs thanks to you. No one was there for us. Sadie is almost fourteen and is on stranger things and broadway she's amazing she's dating Caleb. Maddie is almost thirteen and is on dance moms and wins almost every competition. Ava well she ain't a baby anymore she's seven and acts a little just filmed a movie. All of us are successful no thanks to you." Sabrina says

"Look I know I messed up but I wanna take you guys home." I say

"Home we don't even have a home we never did since the day you gave up your rights." Sabrina says

Before I can say anything a little girl comes bouncing in the room. A little girl who I held once as a baby. A little girl that was almost the same age as my oldest when I left all four of my girls at the doorstep of the orphanage that traumatized them.

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