Chapter 2

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Ava's pov:

As I'm walking around set taking a break from class. I go looking for Sabrina. I finished my scenes for the day. I go walking to the one spot every one of us likes to hang out the bay window part of the set. As I walk I open the door to enter the room I see Sabrina looking angry at this lady that looks familiar.

"Sab what happened?" I ask running to my sister.

"Ava remember how I told you how our mom gave us up when you were born?" Sabrina asks.

"Yeah why is that lady her?" I ask jokingly.

I see the lady freeze as I say that. I look towards my sister seeing anger and pain all over her face. With one look at Sabrina I knew my joke was true.

"Wait your Sophia the lady who disowned us?" I ask

"Yeah she's the one Aves." Sabrina says

"Why don't you go look for August I'm sure he wants to play with you before we leave." Sabrina says

"Okay." I say as I walk out of the room

I go and I look for August. There's a million thoughts running through my head. Why did Sabrina send me out of the room? Why is our birth mother here and what does she want? Is my wish of having a family coming true? I go to the school room where I find August. I sit down and start my work but I can't help feeling that everything is about to change.

Sabrina's POV:

As I watch Ava leave I turn to Sophia. As I'm looking at her I see guilt in her eyes. I also see sadness from what I'm assuming is missing seeing us grow up. All I feel is anger she's the reason Sadie, Maddie, and I have been abused nonstop throughout the years. I hear the door open and see Sadie and Caleb walking in.

"Hey Caleb and I finished filming and thought you might want your daily latte." Sadie says walking in the room stopping halfway as she sees Sophia

"Sabs what is that backstabbing bitch doing here?" Sadie asks

"I'll let her tell you why she's here I'm done clearing her messes." I say as I grab my latte sitting down at the bay window

"Look you both have the right to be mad at me. I get it I can only imagine what you both have been through. I wanna start over I wanna take you and your sisters home." Sophia says looking at us both

"Hey Sades I should go this is between your sister, mother, and you. I'll see you tomorrow." Caleb says kissing Sadie and leaving

"So what you got bored and just decided after nine years you'd come back to claim us?" I ask

"There was a lot going on back then. More than any of you remember. You both were too young to remember Chad and I always fighting. If we weren't fighting we were always gone working and you guys barely saw us. It wasn't an environment I wanted you girls to grow up in." Sophia says

"That's a lame excuse and you know it." Sadie says

"Dad was there for us. We saw him more than we saw you. Sure he isn't perfect. He tried to get us back. It didn't work because apparently a single guy who gave his rights away has a harder chance getting them back than a woman." Sadie says

"I was seven when you gave us up. Sadie was five, Maddie was four, and Ava was just born. Out of all of us Ava is the only one who doesn't remember cause she wasn't raised in it like we were." I explain

"Look I'm sorry I wasn't the mother you girls needed back then. I'm older now for fuck sake I was seventeen when you were born Brina, nineteen when you were born Sads, twenty when Mads was born, and twenty four when Aves was born. It was a lot for me especially being young in Hollywood as an actress who was working." Sophia explains

"Yeah but that's the thing Sabrina and I have been in Hollywood since we were toddlers and we still had to raise Maddie and Ava you didn't give us a choice." Sadie explains

"I get you were a young mom and that it was hard. Dad was young too but he made it work until you gave up on this family. I ain't saying dad is a saint cause he's not we haven't seen him in three years. But he tried longer than you did." I say

"Sab we have to go get Maddie her class is ended and she's done filming for the day." Sadie says

"I'll bring you guys. I'm sorry to tell you this but you guys don't have a choice of coming with me or not the court already granted me full custody of all of you." Sophia says

"Well since you aren't giving us a choice let's go Maddie hates when we're late." I say rolling my eyes

I see in the corner of my eye Sadie getting angry. I walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. As we leave the room I grab Ava who's asleep already. Once we get in Sophia's car I can't help but feel angry. Why now out of all the years she could have come back? I turn to my left and see Sadie has her headphones in. I text Maddie letting her know we're on our way. I can't help but wonder how Maddie is gonna handle seeing Sophia after all these years.

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