Chapter 12

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Maddie's POV:

I wake up at 6:30 to my phone ringing. It's been three long days of avoiding Sophia. I look at my phone to see a call from Chloe. Everything has been weird. Sabrina, Sadie, Ava, and I only go downstairs to eat and when we do we bring our headphones to ignore Sophia's attempts to talk to us. I get up and take a quick shower. My sisters and I are gonna go to the library and hang with our friends. I walk downstairs to see Sabrina, Sadie, and Ava at the table eat ignoring Sophia making breakfast.

"Hey Mads how'd you sleep?" Sabrina asks handing me a bowl of cereal

"Good I was wondering if Corey is bringing us to the library today or are we taking the bus?" I ask

"Yeah he should be here in 10 minutes he is currently picking up Caleb, Gaten, Rowan, Chloe, and August." Sadie says smirking

"Cool I'm gonna go get dress." I say running upstairs

I go upstairs and quickly get dressed. I text Chloe showing her my outfit today. I quickly put on my makeup. I grab my headphones before heading downstairs. Once I reach the kitchen I see Sadie, Sabrina, and Ava waiting in the car with our group of friends. I quickly put my shoes on before heading out to the car.

"Hey Corey thanks doing this it's been weird these past days I think we all needed this hang session." Aves says hugging August

I quickly get out of the car as we all rush into the library. I am happy that the group is finally back together. Even though things have been weird at home this is where everything is normal. This is who my sisters and I family really is.

"I missed you guys!" I say happily

"Yeah three days with Mother drunk head is too much." Sadie states holding Caleb's hand

"I missed you too! Sorry I couldn't come sooner. My mom was being a real drill sergeant with spring cleaning. You know how she can be." Rowan says explaining

"I'm glad the group is back together. I literally cannot go another three days in the hellhole without hanging." Sabrina says laughing as Corey puts his arm around her

"We have until 5 that's when Sophia will track us down if we're not back." Ava say sadly as August hugs her

"Why don't we go to our secret room in the back and watch a movie?" Gaten suggests

"I brought snacks. They might have a little something in them." Chloe says hinting

"Well it should have time to wear off before we leave. If Sophia finds out she'll banned us from leaving my room. Or from hanging out with all of you guys." I sigh saying

"How's things been between you all? You guys talk yet?" Chloe asks curiously

"Nope. I'm not saying anything til she tries to understand where we are coming from." I say rubbing my face

"Yeah she can't just waltz in with her fake ass apologizes and think everything is cool." Sadie rolls her eyes saying

"Yeah it's been tense." Ava states

"When do you think she will try to apologize again?" Rowan asks knowing Sophia is more than likely gonna attempt to apologize again

"I don't know but it better not be tonight." Sabrina says shrugging

"Come on let's go relax." Chloe says grabbing my hand

We go out back and put on "It Chapter 1" it's one of our favorite movies. Once the movie starts we all bite into the brownies. I instantly feel my body start to relax. Every worry or anxious thought I had about Sophia left my body. I lay down and just watch the movie. This group has always had my sisters and I's backs knowing exactly what we need.

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