Chapter 9

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Sadie's POV:

It's currently 11:00 Gaten, Sabrina, Maddie, Ava, Corey, and I are in the car. Corey is bringing us home. The good thing is though Corey and Gaten said they won't leave us until they know it's safe too. Caleb texted me saying he would swing by later tonight. As Corey pulls into the driveway I sigh. We all pile out of the car and into the house. I sigh as we see Sophia sitting at the table with coffee in her hand. Once the boys see that Sophia is sober they leave.

"You finally decided to sober up I see." I say as I throw my bag into the closet

"I will have you know if it wasn't for Corey or Gaten we would have starved." Maddie says rolling her eyes

"Did you forget we were in our rooms? Or were you purposely leaving us up there hungry while you got wasted?" Ava asks crossing her arms

"Yeah seriously I thought you were supposed to start being the mom again." Sabrina says sitting down at the table

"Look girls I'm sorry you saw me like that yesterday." Sophia says trying to apologize but I cut her off

"That wasn't your first bottle yesterday was it? That's why you overreacted yesterday morning it's because you were wasted then too." I say as I start to realize

"You haven't changed you're still the same old Sophia as when we were younger." Maddie says storming upstairs slamming her door

"I'm sorry I will do better. I promise!" Sophia says tearing up

"Good job seriously you're doing amazing I can't believe a judge gave you custody. Fuck I'm gonna go check on your daughter. Jesus when am I gonna be able to be a kid and stop cleaning up your messes." Sabrina says as she goes upstairs

"All I ever wanted was for you to be our mom. Ever since I was younger Sadie, Maddie, and Sabrina would only talk good about you. Now I see who you really are." Ava says disgustedly as she goes upstairs checking on Maddie

"I am trying I really am. I have changed I hope you guys can believe me. I won't do this again." Sophia says looking at me

"Funny thing is all I'm hearing are empty words." I say quietly as I leave her crying at the table going to my room

Once I climb the stairs going to my room I close my door. I grab my phone and headphones. I crank "Loner" by Yungblud as I lay in my bed. I should have known she would never change. This is my fault for secretly hoping. I close my eyes listening to the words of the song.

Maddie's POV:

As I lock my door slamming it behind me I hear Sabrina and Ava knocking. I don't answer. I go to my bed grabbing my phone texting Chloe to meet me at the studio. I order an uber before sneaking out my window. I climb down my balcony landing on the grass. I climb in the uber going to the studio. Once I'm at the studio I get dressed into my dance clothes. I smile as I see Chloe.

"Hey why'd you wanna meet up?" Chloe asks smiling

"I can't be home with Sophia right now." I say looking at the floor

"I thought she'd change I thought she'd be a mom. I guess I was wrong." I say sadly

"Hey it's okay. I promise everything will work out." Chloe reassures as she rubs my back

Before I can respond we're interrupted by Mrs Abby wanting us in the studio. Once I'm in there I start to practice my solo. Once I finish I see her smiling as she applauds. I go to sit down as I see Chloe practice her solo. I smile as I watch her dance. Watching Chloe dance has always relax me. Once she finishes Mrs Abby has us practice our duo. When we finish we see her clapping.

"Good job girls." Mrs Abby praises

"Now I want you guys to take a break. Go relax. I'm gonna start practicing the group. The reason you guys aren't in the group this week is because I want you guys to stay focus on these dances." Mrs Abby says as we nod

"Thank you." we say in unison

"Well I gotta go. My sisters are gonna freak if they see me gone." I say kissing Chloe goodbye before hopping in my Uber.

Once I'm back to house I sneak back into my room. I unlock the door before opening it. I go into my bathroom quickly showering before putting on pjs. Once I'm done I go back into my room. I lay in my bed putting on "Criminal Minds" as I scroll on my phone before I decide to take a nap.

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