Chapter 25

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Sabrina's POV:

I wake up at 7:44 to my phone blasting "Skyscraper" by Demi Lovato I quickly turn my alarm off before it can wake up Sophia and Jesse. I lay in bed remembering all the drama with my sisters that played out a few days ago. I quickly get up and shower getting dressed for the day. I put on some light makeup curling my hair. As I finish getting ready there is a knock on my door. I open my door sighing in relief seeing that it was Corey and not my sisters or Sophia.

"Hey Sabs how'd you sleep?" Corey asks as I pick out my black jean jacket out of the closet to put on

"Alright actually Sophia and my sisters came and saw me last night to apologize for every piece of drama that's unfolded these past few days." I say sitting on my bed rolling my eyes sighing

"Yeah well Devil parents and mini devils tried to come to my house last night I pretended to be asleep." Corey says laughing as I smirk laughing lightly

"Yeah well I made the mistake of opening the door when they knocked. In my defense I thought it was gonna be you or Rowan. Once I saw it wasn't I tried slamming the door in their faces." I say shrugging as Corey laugh picturing it

"So what's the plan are we all gonna go down and have breakfast with the whole family?" I ask rolling my eyes

Before Corey can respond I hear two knocks on my door. I look at Corey knowing she is also hoping one of those knocks don't belong to Sophia or my sisters. I open the door relaxing when I see Bradley standing there. I move out of the way and watch as he join Corey on the bed before I close my door locking it.

"Did spawn point and Spawnee call you last night? Why are you here?" I ask looking at Bradley watching as he nod shyly afraid to admit it but knowing he can never lie to Corey and I we always see through his lies we can read them like open books

"Sophia and Maddie called saying you might need me today. So being your best friend in the entire world I came over as fast as I could so you guys can talk to me. I left my house without eating breakfast." Bradley says rubbing the back of his neck nervously as Corey rolls his eyes sighing rubbing his face.

"Well Sophia tried to get me to open my door last night and let her in but I ignored it. There is nothing she can say to excuse the fucking drama in my life lately. She knows it is messed up and she is trying to cover it up before it can spread like she used to do when I was younger." I say sadly looking at my ground not wanting anyone to see the tears I'm holding in

"So I was the only one who's mom stupidly answered their knocks. I knew I should have texted Sab first before my mom opened the door." Corey says rolling his eyes laughing to hide the hurt she is feeling inside making Bradley smirks as he reads between the lines at what Corey just said knowing he is hiding his feelings

"It honestly is really sad how she tried to talk to you like your sisters has any actual reasoning to do what they did. Sophia fucked up trying to cover for lying about it. Your sisters just needs to admit it to you and prove they will not do anything like ignoring you in your time of need again." Bradley says sighing as I nod agreeing he knows everything I went through when I was younger when I would try to kill myself I told him everything the first day we met

"I just wish Sophia would try to be understanding why we are hurt and didn't defend my sister's actions and she'd be our mom. I'm tired of being the only kid with fucked up family members who never wanted her in the first place. I'm tired of pretending everything is okay when it's not." I confesses looking at the floor I watch as Corey and Bradley get up and hug me holding me tightly

"Sabs it's okay we both secretly want that I promise it's not just you. At least at the end of the day we still have each other. I will always have your back and be there for every milestone you achieve. That is one thing you will never have to wish for is me being there for you." Corey say getting up after sitting back down and hugging me as I nod wiping my face squeezing me tightly

"As much as I wish we could camp out here all day what are you gonna do for breakfast? I know you guys haven't eaten yet have you?" Bradley asks as Corey and I shake our heads no

"Well we can go downstairs, eat, ignore them, and then come back upstairs and hang in your room." Bradley suggests as I nod

"Alright I'm down for that lord knows I'm good at ignoring their scratching nails against chalkboard voices." I say seriously making Bradley and Corey laugh loudly

"Okay let's go eat." I say as I smile squeezing their hands reassuringly and we all go downstairs

I am the last to walk downstairs. Once we're downstairs I grab the cereal ignoring the fact Sadie is cooking. I grab three bowls handing them to Bradley. I watch as Corey grabs the milk and I grab the spoons. We all sit at the table eating. I scroll on my phone looking at my TikTok. I look at Maddie and Ava and see them listening to music. I look at Bradley and see he is busy texting playing a game. I smile thinking about how he has been trying to best this level for almost a week now. We all eat our cereal ignoring Sophia's attempts to get our attention. Once we finish our food we rinse out our bowls going into my room. I sigh as I lay on my bed knowing today is gonna be another long day avoiding Sophia and my siblings. I can't wait til Saturday when we all go back to work. I actually am praying for work. I never wished so hard for Saturday to come like I am doing right now.

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