A forbidden love (a teacher and student romance) Chp.6

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I closed my eyes and listened to the shore, tuning out the frantic whispers and ambulance sirens. He was going to be okay. He had to be okay. He was the first guy that I really liked, and that liked me back. It was special. He was special. I opened my eyes. The ocean was empty , and there was no 5 blurry figures anymore. My heart pounded against my chest. I turned around to see 5 ambulances, and equal amounts of people surrounding each. This time I was going to makea opening. I ran to the closest Ambulance, they were all parked on the sand, and one was driving away, fast. My mouth went dry, I hoped Kassie was okay. I saw dirty looks from the people I shoved, and then a semi-familiar face lied out on a stretcher. He had a huge bandage on his stomach that was the color of ketchup. Even though I knew it wasn’t , I still pretended it was, and scurried off to the next one a few feet away. Pushing a with dread locks out of my way, I saw Stefan. He was sitting on the back of the open ambulance trunk! He was persuading the guy in white with a concerned look on his face, "I’m really fine, my dad was a doctor, I don’t have any major injuries. The only tiny minor injury I may have is lack of sleep." He cracked a gorgeous smile. The guy didn’t look convinced. "Alright I’ll let you go, but if your hand bothers you make sure to come in" , Stefan stood, "I will" I looked at his hand and it was wrapped in gauze. I looked at his face and we made eye contact. I gestured that we should walk away toward to the right. He was behind me faster then I could think humanly possible. He spoke as we made are way to the empty shore,"Teenagers. Do they like to swim in zero below freezing water?" I laughed , "I know! I would never do that! There so stupid." I had a million questions in my mind at once, like, what happened out there? And was the girl he saved really alright? And did anyone get bitten?. I flinched at the last thought remembering the guy laying on the stretcher with a deep red gauze stain covered in blo- I mean ketchup on his side. I tried to play it cool. "So what happened out there! A shark was the last thing I would have thought.", he croaked "I know, it was very unusual, I heard a girl was out there, and I found out about the shark shortly after. I told her to swim back to the shore, and while she did I punched the shark in his nose. It was a vicious little thing. I punched it as hard as I could , but apparently that ticked him off!" He smiled and then continued. "My buddies arrived shortly after, and it took a good bite out of Freddy’s side. I punched it in the nose once again , and it finally swam away." I sighed and looked down, that must have been terrifying. He took my chin up with his pointer finger and thumb and rested the rest of his hand along my neck. "Are you okay?" he asked me with a worried face expression. Ha! "Am I okay? Are you okay! I mean that must have been so scary, and-and I was just so worried. I thought it was going to eat you. I thought- I thought I wasn’t going to ever see you again." Wow I must have sounded like a complete and utter stalker or something! I barely knew him but, its just I feel so , so strongly about him. Now I was questioning if he felt the same way. There was silence from him and I had to look away. Maybe he didn’t feel as strongly as I did. I mean I was feeling this really captivating connection with him, I didn’t even knew one existed like that before I met him. It had to be a two way street If it was a connection, right? I don’t know what to think, I wish he would say something, anything. The waves crashing was the only thing from keeping me from thinking I had gone deaf. I had never heard silence quite this loud before. I almost jumped, "I felt the same way about you. I kept thinking, what if I were to die, and never see her again." I looked up and I swearI stopped breathing. My heart did three back flips, a tumble sault , and a cart wheel right into my stomach. He brought my lips up to his and we kissed, just like we had for the first time

A forbidden love (a teacher and student romance)Where stories live. Discover now