A forbidden love ( a teacher and student romance ) Chp.13

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I woke up by the same startling alarm. Except this time I set it for 5:30, Stefan asked me to meet him at 6:30 AM sharp in the north corridor, I wasnt about to be late. Slamming my hand on the alarm , I got up with billions of butterflys in my belly. I wanted to cry and laugh. Stefan Carter wanted me to meet him in the north corridor. I brushed my teeth, putting on my whiting strips to leave on for the whole hour. I washed my face about 3 times and finaly woke up. Putting on my makeup was easy, I went for a natural eye with light pink gloss. I sraightened my long light brown hair and when I finaly looked at the time, it was 6:00 AM I rushed downstairs and grabbed some toast and walked out the door, I had to walk -_- It wasn't that bad but I had wished I would have brought a cardigan it was chilly in the morning. When I finally reached school it was 6:25, almost screaming , I walked to the north coridor. My watch said 6:30 AM. I looked around, no Stefan. No anybody, it was empty.I got a little disapointed. I stared at my feet and twideled my thumbs. Stefan was probaly just running late. I looked at my phone agian, and it read 6:31AM, No Stefan. I dont know why but every second felt like and hour long. it was horrible. I started to get worried, what if he didn't show up? What if he had changed his mind.? What if... boom. A door opened. I looked behind me, and saw the most handsome thing that was ever born on earth. Stefan Carter. My heart skipped about 3000 beats, I didnt know what to say, But he beat me to it , " I'm sorry I was late, spilled coffe all over my shirt- " , I said "Oh its fine , I just came anyway, had to walk hahah" I shouldnt have said that! I wanted to hit myself in the head like that stupid V8 comercial. He smiled half -heartly. "So your probably questioning why I asked you here so early?" I looked hopefully into his eyes but they were cold, not the warm eyes I looked into at the bonfire. "Mhm" I choked out and gulped. "I was wandering if you could politely switch out of my classes. I think this relationship can't be student and teacher and it would be to well difucult to deal with, ?"........ I wanted to cry but I choked out in anger "So now Im just something like a problem to 'deal with'? " He answered twice coldly, "You know why, I'm not just asking you for no reason, don't be childish" The last word cut me with a knife, it defaitly hurt more then the football. I bit my lip no he would not ask me this. It was possibly the one thing I didnt want him to say, infact I never even thought he would ask such a thing. I bit my tounge and finally choked out "I , I can honestly say I wont be childish," I gritted my teeth on the last word and continued, " I dont have any other elective I have intrest in as you know I do love to draw, do you even remember or have you also permately erased that from your mind along with me, and well art is my favorite subject." It had truley been, since forever so my harshness was important. He almost looked hurt , but he put up his wall up as soon as he realized I saw. " Well Mrs. Anderson , I guess I'll just have to see you in class. Goodbye." He said everything calm but in a harsh whisper with 'Goodbye' and with that he spinned on his heel, he had left. I looked at my watch and it read 6:50. People began showing up. I became teary eyed and sat down on the cement. My white tank top flew up, and the guys who were arriving by car honked. I ignored them and stood up and walked to the girls bathroom. I went into the stall where I can replay exactly what happened, evaluating everything. Its knid of like when your driving and you see a accident, but you cant look away, it just kept replaying. Why is all I wandered. Why didn't he want to be with me? Well besides the age , keep in mind it wasnt bad. The real question that bothered me like crazy. Why wouldn't he fight for me? I would surely fight for him, hell I was expecting him to be loving toward me today. I took a deep breath in and heard two girls talking about how they cant wait for art, are you kidding? I mean I cant even exscape him for a moment. I ran out of the stall and went toward my locker. I opened it got my books and closed it, students were now in the hallways. As soon as I slammed my locker shut, Austin did a suprise hello attack. I jumped out of my skin, and my heart stopped. I swear if I keep having my heart leap like this I would have problems when I was older. Laughing inside I said a friendly 'hi' and then I got sad agian, I kept up a fake front though. Ausitin tapped my shoulder, "You look really cute in your outfit. I mean I like your blouse, um tank -top" He squeaked the top out while awkardly looking away from my breasts, I sighed and reausered him with a simple thanks. We walked to art. The bell rang, I slumped my shoulders and stepped in the forbidden classroom. Stefan no where to be seen. Taking the small table with Austin I looked out the window. He had to keep up with these stupid bipolar mind games. Being nice, flirting, and then whiplash. Were over , done, never started, shushed. i bit my lip then why can't I stop thinking about him. I decided to draw. I seriously liked drawing, I had a sketchpad full of them , they werent any good but I'm not trying to be no pocoso. I drew a cupid with a heart getting murdered by the easter bunny. It was pretty graphic since the easter bunny turned cupids arrow into cupids heart making it break in half , I called it the eea-ter bunny. I laughed but Austin stared at me frightened. "Sss-orry didn"t mean to stare, uh-imaginative " he said trying to lighten the mood. I gave him a apologetic look, "Sorry not usually what I like to draw, I-" Austin smiled and looked deeply into my eyes. "Don't apologive , I love it. You are seriously amazing." He blinked "At drawing I mean -well " I smiled agian he was kind of cute when he did that. Thats when the bell rang and 'Mr. Carter' walked through the door. I closed my sketchpad. He smiled. Nothing affected him, deffanitly not me. He warmly called the class to stop chating and started class. "Well hello students. I hope you all read over my requirements, we wont need anything untill about two weeks, we will be starrting the basics on vocabulary art. Words you should know by now." He smiled while everyone groaned. The girls looked happy though raising there hands saying they would help him pass out the dittos in his hand, and when he said that he was fine , they replied with thank you's while he passed them to each person. He finally made his way over, and ignored me, looking right at Austin and gave him two papers, he walked off. I didn't know what was worse, the fact that he hated me and was angry or the fact that I was being ignored. Austin smiled and handed me my paper. I nodded and read over the words, knowing the full definition of each. I was a art nerd, He clapped his hands together and started " So were going to play a game, " The class perked up, and even the boys got happier, 'Mr. Carter' continued, " We will bounce around the room like popcorn and I will call out a vocab term and you have to come up with the defintion, if it matches my requirements you will succed to my bonus round" He raised his eyebrows up and down in the cutest familiar way, I had remembered it when we walked along the beach. Or whenever he made a witty joke. I knew I would win. Hands down I knew every word with every defintion. He smirked " You all have 10 minuetes to study, " He looked at his watch and then continued , "Starting,.........NOW'

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