A forbidden love ( a teacher and student romance) Chp.8

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I held in a gasp and nervously replaced my hand he had been holding for what it seemed like was a year, with my late slip. He looked at his hand in almost disbelief, and like I had a moment ago, he too realized people were in the room. Not just anyone , students. He replaced his expression with a fake smile and asked "Would you mind taking a seat?". OMG. Seriously? I mean was I on Punked or Pranked or something? Please let this be a dream, well I mean nightmare. I skimmed my eyes for a open seat at the rectangular and circular tables. I recognized my friend Hailey at the farthest table on the left side, but it was full. I wanted to sit down, every eye was on me. Even from behind me. The only open seat was at the smallest circular table, I mean it could have been a desk! There was a cute brown haired boy with blue-blue eyes looking at me. I walked over to the only seat available. Well it could have been worse right? "Hi I'm Austin. I'm new here. Whatchya name?" I smiled "Hi, I'm Sarah." He was really cute, but 'Mr. Carter' was well....hot. I kept my head down feeling my face red. I must have looked like a cherry. A billion and one questions swarmed in my mind. Did this mean we couldn't be together? Well duh, he's a teacher, I'm his student. Its against the law too, right? I don't know. He didn't seem that much older. How could I not ask? How could he not? I had a crush I told myself. Don't feel anything anymore for him. It was over before it had even started. I looked up. " As you all know this is Art class, I just got out of school and this will be the first class I ever taught. I would like for everyone to express themselves in here, no one will judge you on your art work, including me. As long as you put your best effort in, and meet the certain requirements or the main idea it will be a good year-for the both of us. I would like to pass a hand out explaining what supplies I need you to bring in and it will explain the grading policy throughly." This whole speech he had been on the right side of the room. The opposite side I was on. He smiled "Any questions?" He skimmed the room, then he eyes landed on me. I was next to the window with Austin sitting on a angle, half towards the teacher, half towards me. We weren't squished or nothing, but it was a little awkward, us being the only two at this little circle. I nervously looked down at my hands in my lap, feeling my face heat up once again. I wish everyone would stop staring, it was tough enough with him also. Then one girl raised her hand. Hailey. Stefan, oops, I mean Mr. Carter nodded for his approval for her to ask. "How old are you?" Ahh, I loved her at the moment, and hated her also, I was afraid of his answer. "I'm Twenty-Two." he said roughly. He looked at me with a blank expression. It kind of felt scary. He was upset, then I was too. I mean twenty-two wan't that old. I would be seventeen soon, and now I hated being bounced up a grade level. I wanted to be eighteen. The legal age. Another beach blonde girl raised her hand and then asked before he could even say that she was allowed to. Then what's the point of raising your hand? I thought. I was grateful though, Stefan's furrowed eyebrows , and his mouth that had been in a straight line left my face to stare at hers. His expression was so soft to her. I was jealous. "Do you have a girlfriend?", his expression hardened, and I was glad. "No I do not, but please people abstain from the personal questions." A girl with fire red hair raised her hand. He asked questionably, "Yes?", she laughed, "So are you married?" Another girl stared "What day are you free?". He looked mortified and I raised my hand to save him. He looked very uneasy, but I still spoke,"Are we going to be painting this year?" He looked relieved and shot me a thank-you-for-saving-me look. I was proud, and he finally seemed like the guy I had known at the beach. Relaxed. It was funny, he could be totally relaxed about a shark attack, but when it came to teenage girls he was a wreck. Maybe it was because of me I thought... He started to walk around the class room "Yes we will be painting. Painting helped me through some tough times and it can be very therapeutic, or it could also be something to do for fun. Right now, I'm going to pass out the guide lines for this course. If anyone has any questions relating to the outline feel free to ask." Austin turned to me with the cutest smile, "So you like to paint, huh?" I answered nervously, "I love to paint, its been a hobby of mine, along with drawing" He raised on eyebrow, "Oh that's cool. I kind of just picked this class for a easy 'A'." I laughed in my head. I only had done that too, but inside I really loved art, and I was surprised it came out to Austin so freely.

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