Chapter 4|

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Newt and I finished breakfast and now everyone was waking up awake. We
were walking in the glade in silence until Newt spoke up

"There are only three rules here, one do your part, no slackers, two never harm another glader none of this works unless we learnto trust each other and third never go beyond those walls unless your a runner" Newt told me in a very serious tone.

"you hear me greenie promise me"

"Promise" I replied nodding



"what's greenie and greenbean and those other words everyone here uses and why do you keep calling me greenie?" I asked

"Greenie and greenbean are another word for newbie, it's glader slang you'll get used to it" Newt replied

We walked towards the box when Newt told me the tour had officially begun.

"Alright first things first, this is the box it's where we get our supplies once a week and a Greenie every month this month that's you" Newt told me and I just nodded

"Uhh we don't really know why your the only girl but we might have a gathering and try to figure out why the shuck creators have sent you here"

"Creators?" I questioned

"Yeah bloody shuck faces who sent us here, they spy on us through beetle blades"

"Beetle blades?"

"Haven't you see any beetle blades yet?" Newt asked

"What's that?" I replied

"Shuck it, follow me" Newt replied

Newt led me to a place full of trees and bushes which looked like a forest.

"Ok this place here is the deadheads its nothing special just the graveyard you know, there wasn't always order around here" He told me nervously

After a few minutes we abruptly stopped. Newt walked towards a tree and called me over to look at something.

I saw a bug maybe the size of a palm which looked like a huge mechanical robot bug that was charcoal black in colour and had red flashing lights and the word WICKED printed across it.

I shivered whilst reading the word WICKED. I knew it from somewhere but I just couldn't remember

"The box? Supplies?"

I was broken from my thoughts by Newt

"You must be thinking where you saw the shuck word WICKED, its in the box and on all our supplies."

We're guessing WICKED is the people who put us here, them shuck creators" Newt said mumbling the last part to himself.

"Alright let's go this place gives me the creeps" Newt stated then took my arm and before we knew it we were back in the glade.

"So the glade is divided into four parts, the deadheads as you just saw, the blood house is where our animals are raised and slaughtered, the homestead is where we have gatherings and where the gladers sleep but most prefer to sleep outside, and the gardens is where we grow out crops and where our water is pumped from. It never rains in the glade" Newt assured me

"What're those?" I asked pointing to these huge openings

"Those big openings are the east door, there are four doors one on each side and inside them are the maze. The walls close each and every night and open every morning" Newt had told me

Falling to pieces|| A Maze Runner, Newt fanficWhere stories live. Discover now