| John |

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Emery and John were finally on the same page; they both had a day off.

It was summer, so they decided to go to the beach.

The beach was beautiful. Lush green grass was stopped by the soft, hot sand awaiting for them, the ocean roaring in front of them, the waves deep blue and strong.

"I'm going to read a book. So if you want to be intellectually stimulated along with me, you have at it. Otherwise, go play." She told him.

"I'm not a bloody child, Em. Oh, look! A shovel. I'm gonna dig a hole." He grinned.

"You're growing up so fast." She put her hand on her heart, a mocking smile on her face. John stuck his tongue out at her.

"So damn cheeky." He shook his head.

Emery was enjoying her book, basking in the warmth of the sun. Until she felt sand land on her.

She looked up to see John covering her legs in sand. "What the bloody hell are you doin'? Are you trying to bury me alive? Just say it now so I can prepare for death." She smirked.

"Yup. Say your last words now." John looked up at her for a moment then got back to digging.

"Very amusing, you have me in bulk." Emery replied sarcastically.

"I want to make you look like a mermaid laying 'ere." He admitted.


"Because you look so..magical, I guess, laying' there. You're so beautiful, Em." He leaned in so his breathing tickled her ear. "And I'm gonna rip that suit off when we get home, don't you worry." He winked at her.

Emery blushed. "Wow. Thanks for making me feel special, John. I'm going to rip that suit off you. Proper dishy, you look right now." She smiled.

John smirked. "And here I thought you were in a pissy mood because I wanted to dig a hole, but now I realize that you're a naughty girl, Em. Wanting to shag, but also announcing it in a public place! That's very different from the innocent girl I came to know." He said.

Emery sighed. "You've brought out the dark side of me, I guess." She said, feigning slight sadness.

John tackled her, tickling her sides, causing her to screech with laughter.

"You sound like the seagulls." He commented.

"Good. Now they won't steal my food. Good luck with your sandwich." She quipped.

John grinned, kissing her.

He stood up and extended his arm.

"Let's go in the ocean. Have some fun."

Emery took his hand and they walked down the sand into the cold water.

"By 'fun', what did you mean, exactly?" She asked, eyeing him.

"This." John splashed her in the face. She tasted the salty water and cringed, swimming away from him, pretending to be upset.

"Come on, you softie-Em, what's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked her, a genuine look of concern on his face, coming closer to her.

Emery splashed him. Hard. The oncoming wave took him under, and he popped up a second later.

"You little whopper!" He grinned. "Deceiving me. You made me proper devoed, seeing you hurt."

"Oh, shuddup, you were not devoed." Emery laughed.

"You could rob banks with that deception, you blagger." He came towards her, embracing her as the waves crashed over them.

"What can I say? I'm very intelligent. I'll give you 10% of my earnings:" She nodded.

"Cheek." He shook his head, kissing her and holding her firmly as a breeze overcame them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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