| Ringo |

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"Ritchie, this one's nice." Sydney suggested.

The two were browsing a Christmas tree farm, searching for the perfect tree to buy for their new home. They came along with the rest of the Fab Four and their girlfriends.

"It's only as tall as me, Syd." Ringo said.

"That's not saying much, is it?" She teased, her expression serious and solemn.

"Shove off." He grinned, flattening his hand and moving it from the top of his head to out in front of him, expressing his height over his girlfriend.

"Very funny." She poked her tongue out at him.

"Oi! Are we looking for trees or just bantering?" John chimes in.

"Stop interrupting our bantering, John." Ringo told him.

"Ah, so you are bantering. Go home, then. Some of us have serious decisions to make, we don't need to hear you displays of affection, thank you." John informed them.

"Such the comedian." Ringo commented as he rolled his eyes. Sydney's cheeks tinted pink.

The couple strolled through the farm until they saw the perfect tree.

About 6 feet high, with full, long branches, the pine tree practically glowed in front of them.

"This the one, love?" Ringo looked at Sydney, who faced the tree, staring.

"Yup." She glanced at him, grinning.

"Alright, then. Hey, John, we found our's before you! So much for your decision making." Ringo called to his friend.

John shooed him off, shooting him a grin and turning his attention towards his girlfriend, Cynthia.

"I cut, you hold?" He checked.

"Of course."

Ringo cut the tree while Sydney made sure it went down carefully. The two gallivanted around with their group, laughing and smiling with everyone.


Ringo and Sydney played Christmas music as they decorated their first tree together.

"I love Frank Sinatra." Sydney sighed as she listened to Frank sing "Jingle Bells".

"More than me?" Ringo pouted jokingly.

"Of course not. Who do you take me for? One musician at a time." She grinned.

"Elvis is next, I bet." Ringo exclaimed as he hung up a glittery ornament ball.

"You guess correctly." She came over to him, kissing his cheek. He turned and wrapped her in his arms.

"It's never going to be anyone but you. I love you so much and I'm so happy we get to spend Christmas together." She kissed him, nestling her head into his chest.

"I love you so incredibly much, Syd. I'm so grateful I have you." He kissed the top of her head, holding her in his arms.

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